Subversion Repositories duke3d_hrp

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 556 → Rev 559

17,6 → 17,7
include maphacks/nynightmare/nynightmare_mhk.def // New York Nightmare
include maphacks/mrck/mrck_mhk.def // Aymeric Nocus' maps
include maphacks/opblitz/opblitz_mhk.def // Operation Blitzkrieg
include maphacks/plug_and_pray/pnp_mhk.def // Plug and Pray Remake
include maphacks/puritan/puritan_mhk.def // Frode Waksvik's maps
include maphacks/roch/roch_mhk.def // Pascal Rouaud's Roch maps
include maphacks/zykov/zykov_mhk.def // Zykov Eddy's maps
17,6 → 17,7
include maphacks/nynightmare/nynightmare_mhk.def // New York Nightmare
include maphacks/mrck/mrck_mhk.def // Aymeric Nocus' maps
include maphacks/opblitz/opblitz_mhk.def // Operation Blitzkrieg
include maphacks/plug_and_pray/pnp_mhk.def // Plug and Pray Remake
include maphacks/puritan/puritan_mhk.def // Frode Waksvik's maps
include maphacks/roch/roch_mhk.def // Pascal Rouaud's Roch maps
include maphacks/zykov/zykov_mhk.def // Zykov Eddy's maps
4,62 → 4,151
// by Aymeric 'MRCK' Nocus / 'ck3D'
// Map Date : 2012-03-02
// mapmd4 : baa596ff8d5eb78a12d329b4bc2780df
// Curr. HRP: r5.2.415
// Curr. HRP: r5.2.559
// <-> 06meatballsubmakin.mhk
sprite 664 angoff -768 // tile0021 firstgunsprite
sprite 665 angoff -256 // tile0021 firstgunsprite
sprite 663 angoff 256 // tile0051 cola
sprite 666 angoff -256 // tile0051 cola
sprite 669 angoff 256 // tile0051 cola
sprite 669 angoff -768 // tile0051 cola
sprite 937 angoff -896 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 939 angoff 384 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 675 angoff 512 // tile0054 shield
sprite 11 angoff 256 // tile4367 hatrack
sprite 678 angoff 512 // tile0051 cola
sprite 42 angoff 1024 // tile0916 fireext
sprite 42 mdzoff 200000 // tile0916 fireext
sprite 42 pitch -1 // tile0916 fireext
sprite 680 angoff 512 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 41 angoff 512 // tile0916 fireext
sprite 41 mdzoff 200000 // tile0916 fireext
sprite 41 pitch -1 // tile0916 fireext
sprite 682 angoff 256 // tile0022 chaingunsprite
sprite 533 angoff -256 // tile0060 accesscard blue
sprite 5 mdzoff 200000 // tile0913 maskwall2 (fence)
sprite 5 pitch -1 // tile0913 maskwall2 (fence)
sprite 7 mdzoff 200000 // tile0913 maskwall2 (fence)
sprite 7 pitch -1 // tile0913 maskwall2 (fence)
sprite 8 mdzoff 200000 // tile0913 maskwall2 (fence)
sprite 8 pitch -1 // tile0913 maskwall2 (fence)
sprite 6 mdzoff 200000 // tile0913 maskwall2 (fence)
sprite 6 pitch -1 // tile0913 maskwall2 (fence)
sprite 676 angoff 512 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 676 roll -160 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 126 angoff -768 // tile0981 hydrent
sprite 760 angoff 1024 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 126 angoff 1024 // tile0981 hydrent
sprite 77 angoff 1024 // tile1061 (streetlight)
sprite 940 angoff 128 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 941 angoff -640 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 76 angoff 1024 // tile1061 (streetlight)
sprite 72 angoff 1024 // tile1061 (streetlight)
sprite 803 angoff 1024 // tile0981 hydrent
sprite 125 angoff 1024 // tile0981 hydrent
sprite 673 mdzoff -500000 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 673 pitch 1 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 673 mdzoff 300000 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 673 pitch -1 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 684 angoff 256 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 762 angoff 1024 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 763 angoff 1024 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 761 angoff 768 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 701 angoff 1024 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 695 angoff 512 // tile0051 cola
sprite 696 angoff 512 // tile0051 cola
sprite 697 angoff 512 // tile0051 cola
sprite 702 angoff 1024 // tile0051 cola
sprite 695 angoff -384 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 697 angoff -512 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 696 angoff -640 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 699 angoff -896 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 698 angoff 1024 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 699 angoff 1024 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 708 angoff 512 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 708 mdzoff -500000 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 708 pitch 1 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 711 angoff 256 // tile0023 rpgsprite
sprite 712 angoff -768 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 711 angoff 512 // tile0023 rpgsprite
sprite 712 angoff 256 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 764 angoff 768 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 765 angoff 768 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 729 angoff 1024 // tile0051 cola
sprite 198 notmd // tile0976 (ventshaft)
sprite 728 mdzoff 300000 // tile0047 hbombammo
sprite 728 pitch -1 // tile0047 hbombammo
sprite 802 angoff -512 // tile0061 boots
sprite 727 angoff 1024 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 752 angoff 1024 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 213 mdzoff 150000 // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet))
sprite 213 pitch -2 // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet))
sprite 213 roll 1 // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet))
sprite 215 notmd // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet))
sprite 211 mdzoff 150000 // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet))
sprite 211 pitch -2 // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet))
sprite 211 roll 1 // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet))
sprite 214 notmd // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet))
sprite 212 mdzoff 150000 // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet))
sprite 212 pitch -2 // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet))
sprite 212 roll 1 // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet))
sprite 216 notmd // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet))
sprite 754 angoff 1024 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 753 mdzoff 500000 // tile0040 ammo
sprite 753 pitch -2 // tile0040 ammo
sprite 753 roll -1 // tile0040 ammo
sprite 755 angoff -512 // tile0054 shield
sprite 755 mdzoff 900000 // tile0054 shield
sprite 755 pitch 1 // tile0054 shield
sprite 754 angoff 1024 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 249 angoff 1024 // tile0407 fansprite
sprite 734 angoff -896 // tile0026 heavyhbomb
sprite 735 angoff 1024 // tile0026 heavyhbomb
sprite 757 angoff 1024 // tile0051 cola
sprite 295 angoff -512 // tile0916 fireext
sprite 287 mdzoff 500000 // tile4367 hatrack
sprite 287 pitch 1 // tile4367 hatrack
sprite 290 angoff 1024 // tile4454 deskphone
sprite 534 angoff 1024 // tile0060 accesscard red
sprite 759 angoff -256 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 262 angoff 512 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 759 angoff 768 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 534 angoff 896 // tile0060 accesscard red
sprite 262 angoff 640 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 262 mdzoff 500000 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 262 pitch -1 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 253 angoff -512 // tile0916 fireext
sprite 780 angoff -512 // tile0023 rpgsprite
sprite 935 angoff -768 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 789 angoff -512 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 781 angoff 256 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 778 angoff -256 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 943 angoff 256 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 779 angoff 1024 // tile0029 devistatorsprite
sprite 778 angoff 768 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 68 angoff 1024 // tile1061 (streetlight)
sprite 785 angoff 1024 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 69 angoff 1024 // tile1061 (streetlight)
sprite 943 angoff -768 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 314 angoff 896 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 387 angoff 256 // tile4454 deskphone
sprite 801 angoff 512 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 800 angoff 512 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 314 angoff 1024 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 387 angoff 512 // tile4454 deskphone
sprite 323 mdzoff 500000 // tile4367 hatrack
sprite 323 pitch -1 // tile4367 hatrack
sprite 799 angoff -896 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 539 angoff 768 // tile0060 accesscard yellow
sprite 807 angoff 1024 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 870 angoff -512 // tile0042 devistatorammo
sprite 878 angoff 256 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 426 angoff -512 // tile0563 waterfountain
sprite 806 angoff 512 // tile0024 freezesprite
sprite 806 mdzoff 1500000 // tile0024 freezesprite
sprite 806 roll 1 // tile0024 freezesprite
sprite 836 angoff 1024 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 816 angoff 1024 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 808 angoff 512 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 807 angoff 512 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 811 angoff 512 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 809 angoff -256 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 810 angoff -768 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 947 angoff 256 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 870 angoff 512 // tile0042 devistatorammo
sprite 878 angoff -768 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 875 angoff 512 // tile0027 tripbombsprite
sprite 877 angoff 512 // tile0042 devistatorammo
sprite 888 angoff 512 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 889 angoff 512 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 890 angoff -512 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 71 angoff 1024 // tile1061 (streetlight)
sprite 70 angoff 1024 // tile1061 (streetlight)
sprite 916 angoff 512 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 910 angoff -256 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 915 angoff -256 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 920 angoff -256 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 915 angoff 768 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 920 angoff 768 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 895 angoff -256 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 931 angoff 896 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 930 angoff -512 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 933 angoff -768 // tile1232 canwithsomething
4,62 → 4,151
// by Aymeric 'MRCK' Nocus / 'ck3D'
// Map Date : 2010-03-09
// mapmd4 : 1330c7f3f0dd9bf12f9349f1757d6d63
// Curr. HRP: r5.2.415
// Curr. HRP: r5.2.559
// <-> E5L8.mhk (Metropolitan Mayhem)
sprite 664 angoff -768 // tile0021 firstgunsprite
sprite 665 angoff -256 // tile0021 firstgunsprite
sprite 663 angoff 256 // tile0051 cola
sprite 666 angoff -256 // tile0051 cola
sprite 669 angoff 256 // tile0051 cola
sprite 669 angoff -768 // tile0051 cola
sprite 937 angoff -896 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 939 angoff 384 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 675 angoff 512 // tile0054 shield
sprite 11 angoff 256 // tile4367 hatrack
sprite 678 angoff 512 // tile0051 cola
sprite 42 angoff 1024 // tile0916 fireext
sprite 42 mdzoff 200000 // tile0916 fireext
sprite 42 pitch -1 // tile0916 fireext
sprite 680 angoff 512 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 41 angoff 512 // tile0916 fireext
sprite 41 mdzoff 200000 // tile0916 fireext
sprite 41 pitch -1 // tile0916 fireext
sprite 682 angoff 256 // tile0022 chaingunsprite
sprite 533 angoff -256 // tile0060 accesscard blue
sprite 5 mdzoff 200000 // tile0913 maskwall2 (fence)
sprite 5 pitch -1 // tile0913 maskwall2 (fence)
sprite 7 mdzoff 200000 // tile0913 maskwall2 (fence)
sprite 7 pitch -1 // tile0913 maskwall2 (fence)
sprite 8 mdzoff 200000 // tile0913 maskwall2 (fence)
sprite 8 pitch -1 // tile0913 maskwall2 (fence)
sprite 6 mdzoff 200000 // tile0913 maskwall2 (fence)
sprite 6 pitch -1 // tile0913 maskwall2 (fence)
sprite 676 angoff 512 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 676 roll -160 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 126 angoff -768 // tile0981 hydrent
sprite 760 angoff 1024 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 126 angoff 1024 // tile0981 hydrent
sprite 77 angoff 1024 // tile1061 (streetlight)
sprite 940 angoff 128 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 941 angoff -640 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 76 angoff 1024 // tile1061 (streetlight)
sprite 72 angoff 1024 // tile1061 (streetlight)
sprite 803 angoff 1024 // tile0981 hydrent
sprite 125 angoff 1024 // tile0981 hydrent
sprite 673 mdzoff -500000 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 673 pitch 1 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 673 mdzoff 300000 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 673 pitch -1 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 684 angoff 256 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 762 angoff 1024 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 763 angoff 1024 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 761 angoff 768 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 701 angoff 1024 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 695 angoff 512 // tile0051 cola
sprite 696 angoff 512 // tile0051 cola
sprite 697 angoff 512 // tile0051 cola
sprite 702 angoff 1024 // tile0051 cola
sprite 695 angoff -384 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 697 angoff -512 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 696 angoff -640 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 699 angoff -896 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 698 angoff 1024 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 699 angoff 1024 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 708 angoff 512 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 708 mdzoff -500000 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 708 pitch 1 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 711 angoff 256 // tile0023 rpgsprite
sprite 712 angoff -768 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 711 angoff 512 // tile0023 rpgsprite
sprite 712 angoff 256 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 764 angoff 768 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 765 angoff 768 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 729 angoff 1024 // tile0051 cola
sprite 198 notmd // tile0976 (ventshaft)
sprite 728 mdzoff 300000 // tile0047 hbombammo
sprite 728 pitch -1 // tile0047 hbombammo
sprite 802 angoff -512 // tile0061 boots
sprite 727 angoff 1024 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 752 angoff 1024 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 213 mdzoff 150000 // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet))
sprite 213 pitch -2 // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet))
sprite 213 roll 1 // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet))
sprite 215 notmd // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet))
sprite 211 mdzoff 150000 // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet))
sprite 211 pitch -2 // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet))
sprite 211 roll 1 // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet))
sprite 214 notmd // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet))
sprite 212 mdzoff 150000 // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet))
sprite 212 pitch -2 // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet))
sprite 212 roll 1 // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet))
sprite 216 notmd // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet))
sprite 754 angoff 1024 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 753 mdzoff 500000 // tile0040 ammo
sprite 753 pitch -2 // tile0040 ammo
sprite 753 roll -1 // tile0040 ammo
sprite 755 angoff -512 // tile0054 shield
sprite 755 mdzoff 900000 // tile0054 shield
sprite 755 pitch 1 // tile0054 shield
sprite 754 angoff 1024 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 249 angoff 1024 // tile0407 fansprite
sprite 734 angoff -896 // tile0026 heavyhbomb
sprite 735 angoff 1024 // tile0026 heavyhbomb
sprite 757 angoff 1024 // tile0051 cola
sprite 295 angoff -512 // tile0916 fireext
sprite 287 mdzoff 500000 // tile4367 hatrack
sprite 287 pitch 1 // tile4367 hatrack
sprite 290 angoff 1024 // tile4454 deskphone
sprite 534 angoff 1024 // tile0060 accesscard red
sprite 759 angoff -256 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 262 angoff 512 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 759 angoff 768 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 534 angoff 896 // tile0060 accesscard red
sprite 262 angoff 640 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 262 mdzoff 500000 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 262 pitch -1 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 253 angoff -512 // tile0916 fireext
sprite 780 angoff -512 // tile0023 rpgsprite
sprite 935 angoff -768 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 789 angoff -512 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 781 angoff 256 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 778 angoff -256 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 943 angoff 256 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 779 angoff 1024 // tile0029 devistatorsprite
sprite 778 angoff 768 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 68 angoff 1024 // tile1061 (streetlight)
sprite 785 angoff 1024 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 69 angoff 1024 // tile1061 (streetlight)
sprite 943 angoff -768 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 314 angoff 896 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 387 angoff 256 // tile4454 deskphone
sprite 801 angoff 512 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 800 angoff 512 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 314 angoff 1024 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 387 angoff 512 // tile4454 deskphone
sprite 323 mdzoff 500000 // tile4367 hatrack
sprite 323 pitch -1 // tile4367 hatrack
sprite 799 angoff -896 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 539 angoff 768 // tile0060 accesscard yellow
sprite 807 angoff 1024 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 870 angoff -512 // tile0042 devistatorammo
sprite 878 angoff 256 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 426 angoff -512 // tile0563 waterfountain
sprite 806 angoff 512 // tile0024 freezesprite
sprite 806 mdzoff 1500000 // tile0024 freezesprite
sprite 806 roll 1 // tile0024 freezesprite
sprite 836 angoff 1024 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 816 angoff 1024 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 808 angoff 512 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 807 angoff 512 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 811 angoff 512 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 809 angoff -256 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 810 angoff -768 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 947 angoff 256 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 870 angoff 512 // tile0042 devistatorammo
sprite 878 angoff -768 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 875 angoff 512 // tile0027 tripbombsprite
sprite 877 angoff 512 // tile0042 devistatorammo
sprite 888 angoff 512 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 889 angoff 512 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 890 angoff -512 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 71 angoff 1024 // tile1061 (streetlight)
sprite 70 angoff 1024 // tile1061 (streetlight)
sprite 916 angoff 512 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 910 angoff -256 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 915 angoff -256 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 920 angoff -256 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 915 angoff 768 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 920 angoff 768 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 895 angoff -256 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 931 angoff 896 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 930 angoff -512 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 933 angoff -768 // tile1232 canwithsomething
0,0 → 1,59
// Plug and Pray Remake by ozelot47
mapinfo {
maptitle "Nightmare Zone"
//author "ozelot47"
mapfile ""
mapmd4 70eff271371c39212bf4b99e8eccd64f // 2013-09-23
mhkfile "maphacks/plug_and_pray/nightmarezone.mhk"
mapinfo {
maptitle "Trackside Tragedy"
//author "ozelot47"
mapfile ""
mapmd4 5323c1ebe10168d2227a1ca2a1f8fadc // 2013-09-20
mhkfile "maphacks/plug_and_pray/tracksidetragedy.mhk"
mapinfo {
maptitle "Gates Motel"
//author "ozelot47"
mapfile ""
mapmd4 9fdb9b173b084084526bbdeb49404d0d // 2013-09-19
mhkfile "maphacks/plug_and_pray/gatesmotel.mhk"
mapinfo {
maptitle "Duke Royale"
//author "ozelot47"
mapfile ""
mapmd4 f4af67164869bf537132a37036af3648 // 2013-09-23
mhkfile "maphacks/plug_and_pray/dukeroyale.mhk"
mapinfo {
maptitle "Alien Rendezvous"
//author "ozelot47"
mapfile ""
mapmd4 dcd83900739c35ac224ccb384d32d773 // 2013-09-20
mhkfile "maphacks/plug_and_pray/alienrendezvous.mhk"
mapinfo {
maptitle "Ministry of Fear"
//author "ozelot47"
mapfile ""
mapmd4 0f188dcdcae0ae5ee2ab624d56434de5 // 2013-09-15
mhkfile "maphacks/plug_and_pray/ministryoffear.mhk"
mapinfo {
maptitle "Faces of Death"
//author "ozelot47"
mapfile ""
mapmd4 3a924579b930a232ace062a7b2403793 // 2013-09-07
mhkfile "maphacks/plug_and_pray/facesofdeath.mhk"