// Maphacks by LeoD for use with the Duke Nukem 3D High Resolution Pack (HRP) // Title : Uranus // Author : Frode 'Puritan' Waksvik // Filename : E4l1.map // mapmd4 : 55c94f67a698d4487f7854b52e42415e // 2010-03-26 (Vermin Clearance) // <-> URANUS.mhk // <-> Uranus-V1L1.mhk // Curr. HRP: r5.4.726 sprite 754 angoff 1024 // tile0040 ammo sprite 753 angoff 1024 // tile0040 ammo sprite 752 angoff 1024 // tile0040 ammo sprite 739 angoff -512 // tile0055 steroids sprite 740 angoff 768 // tile0028 shotgunsprite sprite 738 angoff -768 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 738 pitch -1 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 738 mdzoff 700000 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 197 angoff 512 // tile0955 bottle2 sprite 225 pitch 1 // tile0407 fansprite sprite 225 mdxoff -10000 // tile0407 fansprite sprite 225 mdzoff 400000 // tile0407 fansprite sprite 953 angoff 1024 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 779 angoff 1024 // tile0052 sixpack sprite 718 angoff 512 // tile0869 statueflash (geisha) sprite 708 pitch -1 // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet)) sprite 708 mdzoff 100000 // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet)) sprite 707 pitch 1 // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet)) sprite 707 mdzoff 100000 // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet)) sprite 697 angoff -512 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 711 angoff 512 // tile0569 toilet sprite 680 angoff 1024 // tile0569 toilet sprite 195 angoff -384 // tile0955 bottle2 sprite 1718 angoff 896 // tile0022 chaingunsprite sprite 668 angoff -768 // tile0052 sixpack sprite 687 pitch 1 // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet)) sprite 687 mdzoff 100000 // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet)) sprite 686 pitch 1 // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet)) sprite 686 mdzoff 100000 // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet)) sprite 670 angoff -640 // tile0955 bottle2 sprite 684 angoff 640 // tile0060 accesscard [blue] sprite 1686 notmd // tile0132 slotdoor sprite 1391 angoff 512 // tile0916 fireext sprite 799 angoff 512 // tile4370 desklamp sprite 799 pitch 1 // tile4370 desklamp sprite 799 mdzoff 500000 // tile4370 desklamp sprite 798 angoff -576 // tile0556 chair1 sprite 138 pitch 1 // tile4367 hatrack sprite 138 roll 1 // tile4367 hatrack sprite 138 mdzoff 600000 // tile4367 hatrack sprite 797 roll 1 // tile0023 rpgsprite sprite 797 mdzoff 500000 // tile0023 rpgsprite sprite 198 angoff 128 // tile0955 bottle2 sprite 1581 notmd // tile1069 plug sprite 1027 angoff 768 // tile0055 steroids sprite 1500 roll -1 // tile0995 pipe6 sprite 1500 mdzoff 600000 // tile0995 pipe6 sprite 1502 angoff -768 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 1502 pitch 1 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 1502 roll 1 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 1502 mdzoff 500000 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 1495 angoff -512 // tile0994 pipe5 sprite 1390 angoff 512 // tile0916 fireext sprite 1709 angoff 1024 // tile0995 pipe6 sprite 1709 roll 1 // tile0995 pipe6 sprite 1709 mdzoff 500000 // tile0995 pipe6 sprite 1708 roll -1 // tile0995 pipe6 sprite 1708 mdzoff 500000 // tile0995 pipe6 sprite 1710 angoff 512 // tile0995 pipe6 sprite 1710 roll 1 // tile0995 pipe6 sprite 1710 mdzoff 500000 // tile0995 pipe6 sprite 1711 angoff -512 // tile0995 pipe6 sprite 1711 roll -1 // tile0995 pipe6 sprite 1711 mdzoff 500000 // tile0995 pipe6 sprite 1712 angoff 512 // tile0995 pipe6 sprite 1712 roll 1 // tile0995 pipe6 sprite 1712 mdzoff 500000 // tile0995 pipe6 sprite 1023 angoff -256 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 1025 angoff 256 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 1717 angoff -640 // tile0023 rpgsprite sprite 1717 pitch -1 // tile0023 rpgsprite sprite 1717 mdzoff 900000 // tile0023 rpgsprite sprite 1022 angoff 1024 // tile0054 shield sprite 1392 angoff -512 // tile0916 fireext sprite 1392 pitch -1 // tile0916 fireext sprite 1392 mdzoff 300000 // tile0916 fireext sprite 1586 angoff -128 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 1586 pitch -1 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 1586 mdzoff 500000 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 1585 angoff -384 // tile0052 sixpack sprite 1246 angoff 256 // tile0055 steroids sprite 1245 angoff 128 // tile0052 sixpack sprite 820 angoff -768 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 821 angoff -256 // tile0053 firstaid sprite 123 angoff -512 // tile0994 pipe5 sprite 137 pitch -1 // tile1062 rubbercan sprite 137 mdzoff 300000 // tile1062 rubbercan sprite 1393 angoff 512 // tile0916 fireext sprite 1393 pitch -1 // tile0916 fireext sprite 1393 mdzoff 300000 // tile0916 fireext sprite 945 angoff 768 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 893 angoff 1024 // tile0556 chair1 sprite 1725 angoff 512 // tile4454 deskphone sprite 894 angoff -768 // tile0556 chair1 sprite 201 angoff 640 // tile0955 bottle2 sprite 596 pitch 1 // tile1232 canwithsomething sprite 596 mdzoff 500000 // tile1232 canwithsomething sprite 595 angoff -640 // tile1232 canwithsomething sprite 1548 pitch -1 // tile1240 firebarrel sprite 1548 mdzoff 900000 // tile1240 firebarrel sprite 253 angoff 1024 // tile0998 (parkometer) sprite 254 angoff 1024 // tile0998 (parkometer) sprite 1556 angoff -896 // tile1061 (streetlight) sprite 1542 angoff -512 // tile1232 canwithsomething sprite 1557 angoff 128 // tile1061 (streetlight) sprite 240 angoff 512 // tile0981 hydrent sprite 108 angoff 256 // tile1232 canwithsomething sprite 109 angoff -512 // tile1232 canwithsomething sprite 181 angoff -640 // tile0955 bottle2 sprite 170 roll 64 // tile0955 bottle2 sprite 948 pitch 1 // tile1232 canwithsomething sprite 948 mdzoff 900000 // tile1232 canwithsomething sprite 947 angoff -640 // tile1232 canwithsomething sprite 528 nomdanim // tile4745 (tile4740 (queen)) sprite 174 angoff 512 // tile0955 bottle2 sprite 1430 angoff 256 // tile0951 box sprite 486 angoff 256 // tile1078 (streetlight broken) sprite 485 angoff 512 // tile1061 (streetlight) sprite 484 angoff 512 // tile1061 (streetlight) sprite 483 angoff 512 // tile1061 (streetlight) sprite 482 angoff 512 // tile1061 (streetlight) sprite 481 angoff 768 // tile1078 (streetlight broken) sprite 237 angoff 1024 // tile0981 hydrent sprite 172 angoff -384 // tile0955 bottle2 sprite 527 nomdanim // tile2765 (tile2760 boss3 (overlord)) sprite 527 angoff 1024 // tile2765 (tile2760 boss3 (overlord)) sprite 1397 angoff -768 // tile0916 fireext sprite 1397 pitch -1 // tile0916 fireext sprite 1397 mdzoff 300000 // tile0916 fireext sprite 355 pitch -1 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 355 mdzoff 300000 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 356 angoff 1024 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 1256 angoff 512 // tile0047 hbombammo sprite 1295 angoff 768 // tile0009 respawn [firstaid] sprite 1396 angoff 1024 // tile0916 fireext sprite 1404 angoff -768 // tile0052 sixpack sprite 159 angoff 1024 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 160 angoff 1024 // tile0044 rpgammo sprite 1400 angoff 256 // tile0916 fireext sprite 1400 pitch -1 // tile0916 fireext sprite 1400 mdzoff 300000 // tile0916 fireext sprite 251 angoff -512 // tile0998 (parkometer) sprite 252 angoff -512 // tile0998 (parkometer) sprite 250 angoff -512 // tile0998 (parkometer) sprite 249 angoff -512 // tile0998 (parkometer) sprite 248 angoff -512 // tile0998 (parkometer) sprite 606 angoff 640 // tile2060 pigcopdeadsprite sprite 606 pitch -2 // tile2060 pigcopdeadsprite sprite 606 roll 1 // tile2060 pigcopdeadsprite sprite 606 mdzoff 1000000 // tile2060 pigcopdeadsprite sprite 272 angoff 128 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 949 angoff -128 // tile1232 canwithsomething sprite 190 angoff 640 // tile0955 bottle2 sprite 950 angoff 1024 // tile1232 canwithsomething sprite 189 angoff -640 // tile0955 bottle2 sprite 1332 angoff -320 // tile0044 rpgammo sprite 344 angoff -640 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 343 angoff -832 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 239 angoff -512 // tile0981 hydrent sprite 1442 angoff -768 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 1334 angoff 768 // tile0044 rpgammo sprite 1335 angoff 1024 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 1336 angoff -512 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 1336 pitch -1 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 1336 mdzoff 900000 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 899 angoff 256 // tile1061 (streetlight) sprite 186 angoff -384 // tile0955 bottle2 sprite 1486 angoff -512 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 185 angoff 1024 // tile0955 bottle2 sprite 897 angoff -256 // tile1061 (streetlight) sprite 1487 angoff 256 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 907 angoff 512 // tile0060 accesscard [yellow] sprite 1395 angoff 1024 // tile0916 fireext sprite 1395 pitch -1 // tile0916 fireext sprite 1395 mdzoff 300000 // tile0916 fireext sprite 1470 angoff 1024 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 1470 pitch 1 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 1470 mdzoff 500000 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 1466 angoff 256 // tile0053 firstaid sprite 1153 angoff 896 // tile0557 chair2 sprite 1154 angoff 128 // tile0557 chair2 sprite 1155 angoff -128 // tile0557 chair2 sprite 1147 angoff 640 // tile0557 chair2 sprite 1148 angoff 128 // tile0557 chair2 sprite 1149 angoff -640 // tile0557 chair2 sprite 1150 angoff -448 // tile0557 chair2 sprite 1151 angoff -896 // tile0557 chair2 sprite 1152 angoff 640 // tile0557 chair2 sprite 1168 angoff -512 // tile0956 bottle3 sprite 1171 angoff -512 // tile1164 bottle17 sprite 1170 angoff -256 // tile1160 bottle13 sprite 1467 angoff 640 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 381 angoff -896 // tile0052 sixpack sprite 1394 angoff 1024 // tile0916 fireext sprite 1394 pitch -1 // tile0916 fireext sprite 1394 mdzoff 300000 // tile0916 fireext sprite 1221 angoff 1024 // tile4496 broom sprite 1221 roll 1 // tile4496 broom sprite 1221 mdzoff 500000 // tile4496 broom sprite 1220 angoff 1024 // tile4496 broom sprite 1219 angoff -384 // tile4495 wetfloor sprite 1219 roll -1 // tile4495 wetfloor sprite 1219 mdzoff 200000 // tile4495 wetfloor sprite 1196 nomdanim // tile1232 canwithsomething sprite 1196 angoff -768 // tile1232 canwithsomething sprite 1197 nomdanim // tile1232 canwithsomething sprite 1197 angoff 512 // tile1232 canwithsomething sprite 1198 nomdanim // tile1232 canwithsomething sprite 1198 angoff -128 // tile1232 canwithsomething sprite 1199 angoff 448 // tile0669 vacuum sprite 1205 angoff 768 // tile4370 desklamp sprite 1205 roll -1 // tile4370 desklamp sprite 1205 mdzoff 700000 // tile4370 desklamp sprite 1214 angoff 512 // tile0044 rpgammo sprite 1213 angoff 512 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 1212 angoff 512 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 1211 angoff 512 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 424 roll 1 // tile0132 slotdoor sprite 424 mdzoff 200000 // tile0132 slotdoor sprite 984 angoff -512 // tile4576 shoppingcart sprite 984 roll 1 // tile4576 shoppingcart sprite 984 mdzoff 1200000 // tile4576 shoppingcart sprite 978 angoff -512 // tile4576 shoppingcart sprite 978 roll 1 // tile4576 shoppingcart sprite 978 mdzoff 1200000 // tile4576 shoppingcart sprite 983 angoff -512 // tile4576 shoppingcart sprite 983 pitch 1 // tile4576 shoppingcart sprite 983 mdzoff 700000 // tile4576 shoppingcart sprite 979 pitch -1 // tile4576 shoppingcart sprite 979 mdxoff 1000000 // tile4576 shoppingcart sprite 985 pitch -1 // tile4576 shoppingcart sprite 985 mdxoff 1000000 // tile4576 shoppingcart sprite 987 angoff -512 // tile4576 shoppingcart sprite 987 roll -1 // tile4576 shoppingcart sprite 987 mdzoff 500000 // tile4576 shoppingcart sprite 980 angoff -512 // tile4576 shoppingcart sprite 980 roll -1 // tile4576 shoppingcart sprite 980 mdzoff 1500000 // tile4576 shoppingcart sprite 986 angoff -512 // tile4576 shoppingcart sprite 986 pitch -1 // tile4576 shoppingcart sprite 986 mdzoff 400000 // tile4576 shoppingcart sprite 981 angoff -512 // tile4576 shoppingcart sprite 981 pitch -1 // tile4576 shoppingcart sprite 981 mdzoff 400000 // tile4576 shoppingcart sprite 982 angoff -512 // tile4576 shoppingcart sprite 982 pitch 1 // tile4576 shoppingcart sprite 982 mdzoff 150000 // tile4576 shoppingcart sprite 1471 angoff 512 // tile0052 sixpack sprite 1472 angoff 512 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 1472 roll 1 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 1472 mdzoff 700000 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 1405 pitch -1 // tile0916 fireext sprite 1405 mdzoff 350000 // tile0916 fireext sprite 966 angoff -256 // tile0669 vacuum sprite 1346 angoff -128 // tile0052 sixpack sprite 964 angoff 1024 // tile0956 bottle3 sprite 959 angoff 512 // tile0916 fireext sprite 1350 angoff -256 // tile0052 sixpack sprite 1406 angoff 1024 // tile0916 fireext sprite 1406 pitch -1 // tile0916 fireext sprite 1406 mdzoff 300000 // tile0916 fireext sprite 1478 pitch -512 // tile4397 speaker sprite 1478 mdzoff 3500 // tile4397 speaker sprite 1407 angoff -512 // tile0916 fireext sprite 1407 pitch -1 // tile0916 fireext sprite 1407 mdzoff 300000 // tile0916 fireext sprite 1068 angoff 384 // tile1232 canwithsomething sprite 1069 angoff -896 // tile1232 canwithsomething sprite 1048 angoff 1024 // tile4580 canwithsomething2 sprite 1052 angoff -768 // tile4580 canwithsomething2 sprite 1055 angoff -768 // tile4582 canwithsomething4 sprite 1057 angoff -256 // tile4582 canwithsomething4 sprite 1103 angoff 224 // tile2184 (tile2185 lizmandeadsprite) sprite 1101 nomdanim // tile2212 (tile2209 lizmanleg1) sprite 1101 angoff -256 // tile2212 (tile2209 lizmanleg1) sprite 1100 nomdanim // tile2212 (tile2209 lizmanleg1) sprite 1100 angoff 256 // tile2212 (tile2209 lizmanleg1) sprite 1100 pitch -1 // tile2212 (tile2209 lizmanleg1) sprite 1100 roll 2 // tile2212 (tile2209 lizmanleg1) sprite 1100 mdzoff 600000 // tile2212 (tile2209 lizmanleg1) sprite 1099 nomdanim // tile2212 (tile2209 lizmanleg1) sprite 1099 angoff -896 // tile2212 (tile2209 lizmanleg1) sprite 1097 nomdanim // tile2212 (tile2209 lizmanleg1) sprite 1097 angoff 640 // tile2212 (tile2209 lizmanleg1) sprite 1102 nomdanim // tile2210 (tile2209 lizmanleg1) sprite 1102 angoff 384 // tile2210 (tile2209 lizmanleg1) sprite 1098 nomdanim // tile2212 (tile2209 lizmanleg1) sprite 1098 roll -1 // tile2212 (tile2209 lizmanleg1) sprite 1098 mdzoff 900000 // tile2212 (tile2209 lizmanleg1) sprite 1096 nomdanim // tile2203 (tile2201 lizmanhead1) sprite 1096 pitch -5 // tile2203 (tile2201 lizmanhead1) sprite 1096 roll 3 // tile2203 (tile2201 lizmanhead1) sprite 1096 mdzoff 500000 // tile2203 (tile2201 lizmanhead1) sprite 1095 nomdanim // tile2202 (tile2201 lizmanhead1) sprite 1095 angoff 512 // tile2202 (tile2201 lizmanhead1) sprite 1064 angoff -640 // tile1232 canwithsomething sprite 1063 angoff 640 // tile1232 canwithsomething sprite 1066 angoff -384 // tile1232 canwithsomething sprite 1067 angoff 384 // tile1232 canwithsomething sprite 1077 angoff 256 // tile0951 box sprite 1077 roll -1 // tile0951 box sprite 1077 mdzoff 500000 // tile0951 box sprite 1062 angoff 1024 // tile4582 canwithsomething4 sprite 1061 angoff 1024 // tile4582 canwithsomething4 sprite 1059 angoff -256 // tile4582 canwithsomething4 sprite 1060 angoff 1024 // tile4582 canwithsomething4 sprite 1751 angoff 768 // tile0955 bottle2 sprite 1128 angoff 1024 // tile0044 rpgammo sprite 1488 pitch -1 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 1488 mdzoff 300000 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 1117 angoff 0 // tile0060 accesscard [red] sprite 952 angoff 768 // tile1232 canwithsomething sprite 351 angoff 768 // tile0052 sixpack sprite 447 angoff 384 // tile0682 (tile0680 chair3) sprite 447 pitch -1 // tile0682 (tile0680 chair3) sprite 447 mdzoff 100000 // tile0682 (tile0680 chair3) sprite 446 angoff 1024 // tile0682 (tile0680 chair3) sprite 446 pitch -1 // tile0682 (tile0680 chair3) sprite 446 mdzoff 200000 // tile0682 (tile0680 chair3) sprite 445 angoff -384 // tile0682 (tile0680 chair3) sprite 445 pitch -1 // tile0682 (tile0680 chair3) sprite 445 mdzoff 100000 // tile0682 (tile0680 chair3) sprite 444 angoff -768 // tile4400 teddybear sprite 451 angoff -256 // tile1060 clock sprite 354 angoff -512 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 1131 pitch 1 // tile4367 hatrack sprite 1131 mdzoff 400000 // tile4367 hatrack sprite 350 angoff 896 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 436 pitch 1 // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet)) sprite 436 mdzoff 100000 // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet)) sprite 284 angoff 1024 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 1520 angoff 256 // tile0028 shotgunsprite sprite 274 angoff 960 // tile0052 sixpack sprite 273 angoff -768 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 273 pitch -1 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 273 roll -1 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 273 mdzoff 500000 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 333 angoff -768 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 1303 notmd // tile0679 (battlelord holo) sprite 1315 angoff -512 // tile0044 rpgammo sprite 1314 angoff -512 // tile0044 rpgammo sprite 1313 angoff -512 // tile0044 rpgammo sprite 1408 pitch -1 // tile0916 fireext sprite 1408 mdzoff 350000 // tile0916 fireext sprite 1409 pitch -1 // tile0916 fireext sprite 1409 mdzoff 350000 // tile0916 fireext sprite 1490 angoff 512 // tile0044 rpgammo sprite 1490 roll -1 // tile0044 rpgammo sprite 1490 mdzoff 600000 // tile0044 rpgammo sprite 1306 pitch 1 // tile0616 pipe2 sprite 1306 mdzoff 1000000 // tile0616 pipe2 sprite 1307 pitch 1 // tile0616 pipe2 sprite 1307 mdzoff 1000000 // tile0616 pipe2 sprite 1480 angoff 1024 // tile0044 rpgammo sprite 164 angoff -768 // tile0044 rpgammo sprite 165 angoff -896 // tile0044 rpgammo sprite 1481 angoff -512 // tile0044 rpgammo sprite 1483 angoff -128 // tile0044 rpgammo sprite 1484 angoff -768 // tile0044 rpgammo sprite 1489 angoff -512 // tile0053 firstaid sprite 1366 angoff -896 // tile0044 rpgammo sprite 1482 angoff -512 // tile0044 rpgammo sprite 1367 angoff -128 // tile0044 rpgammo sprite 1367 pitch -1 // tile0044 rpgammo sprite 1367 mdzoff 300000 // tile0044 rpgammo