// Maphacks by LeoD for use with the Duke Nukem 3D High Resolution Pack (HRP) // Title : In the Pit // Author : sT1LL_WAnTeD // Filename : inthePIT_SP.map // mapmd4 : 7dda35d53688c272143fc6e2e5c994a8 // 2015-11-05 // <-> inthePIT_DM.mhk // Curr. HRP: r5.4.726 // 0-343 / 360-559 / 561 sprite 409 angoff -896 // tile1353 spacemarine sprite 409 pitch 1 // tile1353 spacemarine sprite 409 mdxoff 45000 // tile1353 spacemarine sprite 427 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 428 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 448 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 441 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 443 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 442 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 470 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 468 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 444 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 462 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 461 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 463 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 429 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 449 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 467 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 431 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 430 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 469 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 464 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 439 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 460 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 459 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 432 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 440 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 457 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 445 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 446 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 458 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 465 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 456 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 433 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 471 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 434 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 438 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 453 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 450 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 455 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 473 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 474 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 472 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 435 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 451 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 452 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 454 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 436 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 437 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces // mhk diff sync 1 sprite 410 angoff 512 // tile4590 snakep sprite 415 angoff -256 // tile4590 snakep sprite 412 angoff -512 // tile4590 snakep sprite 426 angoff -128 // tile4590 snakep sprite 411 angoff 1024 // tile4590 snakep sprite 419 angoff -640 // tile4590 snakep sprite 422 angoff -256 // tile4590 snakep sprite 417 angoff 640 // tile4590 snakep sprite 424 angoff -896 // tile4590 snakep sprite 418 angoff 896 // tile4590 snakep sprite 421 angoff 256 // tile4590 snakep sprite 420 angoff -896 // tile4590 snakep sprite 416 angoff 128 // tile4590 snakep sprite 413 angoff -896 // tile4590 snakep sprite 413 pitch -1 // tile4590 snakep sprite 413 mdzoff 200000 // tile4590 snakep sprite 425 angoff -256 // tile4590 snakep sprite 362 angoff -512 // tile2254 (tile2250 jibs2 (eye)) sprite 559 angoff 256 // tile0028 shotgunsprite sprite 543 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 551 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 540 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 531 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 534 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 533 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 539 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 541 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 532 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 542 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 548 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 536 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 538 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 547 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 549 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 537 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 535 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 550 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 544 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 545 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 546 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces // mhk diff sync 2 sprite 553 angoff 896 // tile2249 (tile2245 jibs1) sprite 499 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 502 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 501 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 500 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 504 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 505 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 506 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 507 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces // mhk diff sync 3 sprite 554 angoff 768 // tile2254 (tile2250 jibs2 (eye)) sprite 503 angoff 768 // tile4590 snakep sprite 561 angoff -896 // tile0051 cola sprite 567 angoff -768 // tile0022 chaingunsprite sprite 573 angoff 1024 // tile0041 batteryammo sprite 31 angoff -384 // tile0054 shield sprite 575 angoff -128 // tile0052 sixpack sprite 555 notmd // tile1031 glasspieces sprite 574 angoff 256 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 582 angoff -896 // tile0023 rpgsprite sprite 585 angoff 896 // tile0041 batteryammo sprite 590 angoff -768 // tile0021 firstgunsprite sprite 591 angoff -256 // tile0022 chaingunsprite sprite 589 angoff 512 // tile0052 sixpack sprite 630 angoff 1024 // tile0041 batteryammo sprite 602 angoff -128 // tile0023 rpgsprite sprite 604 angoff 1024 // tile0051 cola sprite 631 angoff -896 // tile0052 sixpack sprite 99 angoff 896 // tile1353 spacemarine sprite 99 pitch -768 // tile1353 spacemarine sprite 99 mdxoff -100 // tile1353 spacemarine sprite 99 mdzoff -6000 // tile1353 spacemarine sprite 610 angoff 1024 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 611 angoff -256 // tile0051 cola sprite 613 angoff 1024 // tile0054 shield sprite 616 angoff 512 // tile0054 shield