// Maphacks by LeoD for use with the Duke Nukem 3D High Resolution Pack (HRP) // Title : Voices of Authority // Author : SalaciusCrumb // Filename : voa.map // mapmd4 : bfdd3b45257d0fdb43da08b285568019 // 2004-05-14 // mapmd4 : 9d69f3b215546b9ae1ffbda213f5b717 // 2009-06-28 (AMC TC) // mapmd4 : edd78506c97909090b5ff3a4fc983f37 // 2009-06-28 (AMC TC2) // mapmd4 : 71a934efd4277d3d1d0108a624554002 // 2015-10-14 (Addon Pack) // <-> voa-dnwmd.mhk // Curr. HRP: r5.4.726 sprite 445 angoff 0 // tile0060 accesscard [blue] sprite 282 angoff -512 // tile0058 (spacesuit) sprite 10 angoff 1024 // tile0047 hbombammo sprite 495 angoff 256 // tile0028 shotgunsprite sprite 496 angoff -512 // tile0040 ammo sprite 497 angoff -512 // tile0040 ammo sprite 486 angoff -512 // tile0610 (lightswitch pole) sprite 485 angoff 512 // tile0610 (lightswitch pole) sprite 491 angoff -512 // tile0610 (lightswitch pole) sprite 492 angoff 512 // tile0610 (lightswitch pole) sprite 439 angoff 1024 // tile0569 toilet sprite 446 angoff -512 // tile0563 waterfountain sprite 446 pitch -1 // tile0563 waterfountain sprite 446 mdzoff 100000 // tile0563 waterfountain sprite 536 angoff 1024 // tile0041 batteryammo [not AMC TC(2)] sprite 443 pitch 512 // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet)) sprite 532 angoff 256 // tile0052 sixpack sprite 531 angoff 512 // tile0041 batteryammo sprite 530 angoff 512 // tile0041 batteryammo sprite 529 angoff 768 // tile0022 chaingunsprite sprite 527 angoff 1024 // tile0052 sixpack sprite 526 angoff 512 // tile0040 ammo sprite 528 angoff 512 // tile0040 ammo sprite 488 angoff -512 // tile0610 (lightswitch pole) sprite 489 angoff 512 // tile0610 (lightswitch pole) sprite 15 angoff 384 // tile0029 devistatorsprite sprite 534 angoff 640 // tile0042 devistatorammo sprite 534 pitch -1 // tile0042 devistatorammo sprite 534 mdzoff 500000 // tile0042 devistatorammo sprite 535 angoff 640 // tile0042 devistatorammo