Subversion Repositories duke3d_hrp


Rev 719 | Rev 726 | Go to most recent revision | Details | Compare with Previous | Last modification | View Log | RSS feed

Rev Author Line No. Line
442 leod 1
// Maphacks by LeoD for use with the Duke Nukem 3D High Resolution Pack (HRP)
644 leod 3
// Title    : Red-light Romp
719 leod 4
// Author   : Luke 'Theseus314' Nockles
644 leod 5
// Filename :
// mapmd4   : abb3afe95794407ceb47e70adce85ad6 // 2002-02-24
689 leod 7
// Filename : ROMP.MAP
// mapmd4   : f71da8121705871f546c8f83133370c9 // 2015-10-07 (Addon Pack)
644 leod 9
722 leod 10
// Curr. HRP: r5.4.722
442 leod 11
592 leod 12
sprite   293 angoff    -768        // tile0021 firstgunsprite
sprite   197 angoff     512        // tile0998 (parkometer)
sprite   196 angoff     512        // tile0998 (parkometer)
sprite   195 angoff     512        // tile0998 (parkometer)
sprite   175 angoff     512        // tile0981 hydrent
722 leod 17
sprite   202 pitch     -1          // tile1006 (barstool)
592 leod 18
sprite   202 mdxoff     40000      // tile1006 (barstool)
722 leod 19
sprite   204 pitch     -1          // tile1006 (barstool)
592 leod 20
sprite   204 mdxoff     40000      // tile1006 (barstool)
722 leod 21
sprite   203 pitch     -1          // tile1006 (barstool)
592 leod 22
sprite   203 mdxoff     40000      // tile1006 (barstool)
722 leod 23
sprite   213 pitch     -1          // tile1006 (barstool)
592 leod 24
sprite   213 mdxoff     40000      // tile1006 (barstool)
722 leod 25
sprite   214 pitch     -1          // tile1006 (barstool)
592 leod 26
sprite   214 mdxoff     40000      // tile1006 (barstool)
722 leod 27
sprite   212 pitch     -1          // tile1006 (barstool)
592 leod 28
sprite   212 mdxoff     40000      // tile1006 (barstool)
sprite   296 angoff     256        // tile0028 shotgunsprite
442 leod 30
sprite   221 angoff     768        // tile4438 coffeemug
sprite   222 angoff     256        // tile4438 coffeemug
592 leod 32
sprite   219 angoff     1024       // tile4372 coffeemachine
722 leod 33
sprite   219 roll      -1          // tile4372 coffeemachine
592 leod 34
sprite   219 mdzoff     400000     // tile4372 coffeemachine
sprite   220 angoff     512        // tile4372 coffeemachine
442 leod 36
sprite    88 pitch      1          // tile4496 broom
sprite    88 roll       10         // tile4496 broom
722 leod 38
sprite    88 mdzoff     200000     // tile4496 broom
592 leod 39
sprite    18 angoff     768        // tile0055 steroids
sprite   313 angoff    -768        // tile0556 chair1
442 leod 41
sprite   348 angoff     1024       // tile0041 batteryammo
722 leod 42
sprite   348 roll       1          // tile0041 batteryammo
442 leod 43
sprite   348 mdzoff     500000     // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite   349 angoff    -768        // tile0049 shotgunammo
722 leod 45
sprite   349 pitch      1          // tile0049 shotgunammo
442 leod 46
sprite   349 mdzoff     200000     // tile0049 shotgunammo
592 leod 47
sprite   299 angoff     512        // tile0052 sixpack
442 leod 48
sprite    62 angoff     1024       // tile0060 accesscard blue
722 leod 49
sprite   267 roll      -512        // tile0025 shrinkersprite
592 leod 50
sprite   267 mdyoff    -150        // tile0025 shrinkersprite
sprite   267 mdzoff    -3000       // tile0025 shrinkersprite
722 leod 52
sprite   268 roll      -1          // tile0046 crystalammo
592 leod 53
sprite   268 mdzoff     100000     // tile0046 crystalammo
442 leod 54
sprite   136 angoff    -512        // tile0556 chair1
sprite   138 angoff     768        // tile4438 coffeemug
sprite   210 angoff    -256        // tile0916 fireext
722 leod 57
sprite   210 pitch     -1          // tile0916 fireext
592 leod 58
sprite   210 mdzoff     150000     // tile0916 fireext
sprite   260 angoff    -128        // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite   261 angoff    -896        // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite   262 angoff     256        // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite   105 angoff     768        // tile0053 firstaid
sprite   130 angoff     0          // tile0060 accesscard yellow
sprite   152 angoff    -512        // tile0563 waterfountain
722 leod 65
sprite   152 pitch     -1          // tile0563 waterfountain
592 leod 66
sprite   152 mdzoff     200000     // tile0563 waterfountain
722 leod 67
sprite    14 roll       1          // tile0041 batteryammo
442 leod 68
sprite    14 mdzoff     1500000    // tile0041 batteryammo
722 leod 69
sprite    13 roll       1          // tile0041 batteryammo
442 leod 70
sprite    13 mdzoff     1500000    // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite    12 angoff     1024       // tile0044 rpgammo
592 leod 72
sprite   307 angoff     256        // tile0060 accesscard red
sprite    38 angoff     1024       // tile0057 jetpack
442 leod 74
sprite    25 angoff     512        // tile0047 hbombammo