Subversion Repositories duke3d_hrp


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// Maphacks for the Duke Nukem 3D High Resolution Pack (HRP)

// Title    : Toxic Dump
// Filename : E1L4.MAP
// Author   : Allen H. Blum III
// mapmd4   : 37c1ba00a22baa6d8dfa69e265b964d8 // 1996-12-11 (Atomic GRP)

// Curr. HRP: r5.3.664

sprite   957 angoff     1024       // tile0056 airtank
sprite   771 away1                 // tile0845 (uss dallas sign)
sprite   988 angoff     600        // tile0053 firstaid
sprite   969 angoff     1024       // tile0047 hbombammo
sprite   969 roll      -80         // tile0047 hbombammo
sprite   970 angoff    -512        // tile0047 hbombammo
sprite   970 pitch      80         // tile0047 hbombammo
sprite     1 angoff     384        // tile1294 podfem1
sprite   220 angoff     384        // tile1227 nukebarrel
sprite   220 mdzoff     100000     // tile1227 nukebarrel
sprite   220 roll       1          // tile1227 nukebarrel
sprite   222 angoff     896        // tile1227 nukebarrel
sprite   221 angoff     640        // tile1227 nukebarrel
sprite   225 angoff     128        // tile0052 sixpack
sprite   962 angoff     1024       // tile0023 rpgsprite
sprite    86 angoff    -512        // tile1348 holoduke
sprite   142 angoff    -256        // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite   143 angoff    -256        // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite   247 angoff    -256        // tile0060 accesscard blue
sprite   247 mdzoff     500000     // tile0060 accesscard blue
sprite   247 pitch     -1          // tile0060 accesscard blue
sprite   274 angoff    -512        // tile0022 chaingunsprite
sprite   274 mdzoff     300000     // tile0022 chaingunsprite
sprite   274 pitch      1          // tile0022 chaingunsprite
sprite   274 roll      -1          // tile0022 chaingunsprite
sprite   255 angoff    -768        // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite   255 mdzoff     100000     // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite   255 pitch      1          // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite   257 angoff     1024       // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite   257 mdzoff     200000     // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite   257 pitch     -3          // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite   257 roll      -1          // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite   258 angoff     512        // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite   258 mdzoff     700000     // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite   258 pitch     -1          // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite   258 roll      -1          // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite  1067 angoff     1024       // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite  1067 mdzoff     500000     // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite  1067 roll      -1          // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite   294 angoff    -512        // tile0056 airtank
sprite  1172 angoff    -768        // tile1294 podfem1
sprite   761 angoff     768        // tile1227 nukebarrel
sprite  1003 angoff     768        // tile1227 nukebarrel
sprite   763 angoff     768        // tile1227 nukebarrel
sprite   764 angoff     768        // tile1227 nukebarrel
sprite  1069 mdzoff     500000     // tile0028 shotgunsprite
sprite  1069 roll       1          // tile0028 shotgunsprite
sprite   256 angoff     640        // tile0052 sixpack
sprite   210 angoff     1024       // tile0060 accesscard red
sprite  1049 angoff     1024       // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite  1049 mdzoff     150000     // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite  1049 roll      -1          // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite   991 angoff     128        // tile0054 shield
sprite   991 mdzoff     250000     // tile0054 shield
sprite   991 roll      -1          // tile0054 shield
sprite   985 mdyoff     10000      // tile1038 (pipe)
sprite   985 mdzoff     100000     // tile1038 (pipe)
sprite   985 pitch      2          // tile1038 (pipe)
sprite   985 roll      -1          // tile1038 (pipe)
sprite   986 notmd                 // tile0136 spacedoorswitch
sprite    22 angoff    -256        // tile0052 sixpack
sprite   176 angoff     512        // tile0557 chair2
sprite  1011 angoff    -768        // tile0051 cola
sprite  1012 angoff     896        // tile0051 cola
sprite   174 angoff    -64         // tile0556 chair1
sprite   626 angoff    -512        // tile0059 heatsensor
sprite   914 angoff     640        // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite   914 pitch      64         // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite   914 roll      -32         // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite   913 angoff     896        // tile0022 chaingunsprite
sprite   913 pitch      64         // tile0022 chaingunsprite
sprite   913 roll       32         // tile0022 chaingunsprite
sprite   161 angoff    -384        // tile0559 brokenchair
sprite  1166 angoff     512        // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite  1166 mdzoff     200000     // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite  1166 pitch     -4          // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite  1166 roll      -1          // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite   164 mdzoff     800000     // tile0559 brokenchair
sprite   164 pitch      1          // tile0559 brokenchair
sprite   254 angoff    -128        // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite    67 angoff    -768        // tile0055 steroids
sprite  1083 angoff    -768        // tile0051 cola
sprite  1084 angoff    -640        // tile0051 cola
sprite  1025 angoff    -704        // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite  1075 angoff    -256        // tile0053 firstaid
sprite  1074 angoff    -960        // tile0028 shotgunsprite
sprite  1085 angoff     768        // tile0023 rpgsprite
sprite  1082 angoff    -512        // tile0052 sixpack
sprite  1167 angoff    -768        // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite  1050 angoff     1024       // tile0056 airtank
sprite  1014 angoff    -512        // tile0047 hbombammo
sprite  1014 mdzoff     200000     // tile0047 hbombammo
sprite  1014 pitch      1          // tile0047 hbombammo
sprite  1014 roll       1          // tile0047 hbombammo
sprite   158 angoff     768        // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite   163 angoff    -512        // tile0556 chair1
sprite  1013 angoff    -512        // tile1348 holoduke
sprite  1033 angoff    -448        // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite   625 angoff     512        // tile0053 firstaid
sprite    60 angoff    -768        // tile0054 shield
sprite    59 angoff     1024       // tile0056 airtank
sprite    59 mdzoff     300000     // tile0056 airtank
sprite    59 pitch     -1          // tile0056 airtank
sprite    59 roll      -1          // tile0056 airtank
sprite   908 angoff     256        // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite   908 mdzoff     800000     // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite   908 roll       1          // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite   905 angoff    -768        // tile0028 shotgunsprite (multiplayer)
sprite   905 mdzoff     800000     // tile0028 shotgunsprite (multiplayer)
sprite   905 roll       1          // tile0028 shotgunsprite (multiplayer)
sprite  1162 angoff     768        // tile0052 sixpack
//sprite   835 angoff    -256        // tile0044 rpgammo
//sprite   906 angoff    -256        // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite  1041 angoff    -640        // tile0026 heavyhbomb
sprite   253 angoff    -896        // tile0026 heavyhbomb
sprite   252 angoff     1024       // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite    55 angoff    -128        // tile0052 sixpack
sprite  1001 angoff    -384        // tile0556 chair1
sprite  1020 angoff    -384        // tile0052 sixpack
sprite   929 angoff     640        // tile0023 rpgsprite
sprite   417 notmd                 // tile0609 maskwall12
sprite   930 angoff     256        // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite   932 pitch     -96         // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite   931 angoff     896        // tile0052 sixpack
sprite   907 angoff     1024       // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite   292 angoff     1024       // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite   293 angoff    -768        // tile0022 chaingunsprite (multiplayer)
sprite  1078 mdxoff    -42500      // tile0407 fansprite // PolymostHRP
//sprite  1078 mdxoff    -40000      // tile0407 fansprite // Polymer HRP
//sprite  1078 mdzoff     90000      // tile0407 fansprite // Polymer HRP
sprite  1078 pitch     -1          // tile0407 fansprite
sprite   919 angoff    -256        // tile0052 sixpack
sprite   251 angoff    -384        // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite   899 pitch      144        // tile0061 boots
sprite   266 angoff    -512        // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite   266 mdzoff     200000     // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite   266 pitch      4          // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite   266 roll      -1          // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite   265 mdzoff     500000     // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite   265 roll      -1          // tile0041 batteryammo