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// Maphacks by LeoD for use with the Duke Nukem 3D High Resolution Pack (HRP)
// Title : Abstractech
// Author : Michael 'Micky C' Crisp
// Filename :
// mapmd4 : 492df18a0b650b7ccc312b235eac1563 // 2014-07-08
// <-> dh05-2014-06-22.mhk
// Curr. HRP: r5.4.722
// *** Polymost HRP recommended ***
// 0-855 / 1168-1238 / / 1239-1306 / 1415-1451
sprite 35 notmd // tile0544 (iron bar)
sprite 32 notmd // tile0544 (iron bar)
sprite 27 notmd // tile0544 (iron bar)
sprite 28 notmd // tile0544 (iron bar)
sprite 30 notmd // tile0544 (iron bar)
sprite 36 notmd // tile0544 (iron bar)
sprite 11 notmd // tile0544 (iron bar)
sprite 7 notmd // tile0544 (iron bar)
sprite 3 notmd // tile0544 (iron bar)
sprite 0 notmd // tile0544 (iron bar)
sprite 4 notmd // tile0544 (iron bar)
sprite 8 notmd // tile0544 (iron bar)
sprite 494 angoff 1024 // tile0022 chaingunsprite
sprite 534 angoff -768 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 496 angoff -512 // tile0060 accesscard blue
sprite 1273 angoff -768 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 1277 angoff -512 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 1266 angoff 512 // tile0028 shotgunsprite
sprite 1168 angoff -640 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 1179 angoff 1024 // tile0060 accesscard red
sprite 1287 pitch -1 // tile1048 (pipes)
sprite 1287 mdzoff 130000 // tile1048 (pipes)
sprite 854 angoff -704 // tile0040 ammo
sprite 852 angoff 320 // tile0021 firstgunsprite
sprite 855 angoff -192 // tile0040 ammo
sprite 853 angoff 320 // tile0040 ammo
sprite 1255 angoff 1024 // tile0029 devistatorsprite
sprite 1269 angoff 1024 // tile0024 freezesprite
sprite 1269 pitch -1 // tile0024 freezesprite
sprite 1269 mdzoff 900000 // tile0024 freezesprite
sprite 646 angoff 768 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 1276 pitch -1 // tile1048 (pipes)
sprite 1276 roll 2 // tile1048 (pipes)
sprite 1276 mdzoff 40000 // tile1048 (pipes)
sprite 1275 pitch -1 // tile1048 (pipes)
sprite 1275 roll 2 // tile1048 (pipes)
sprite 1275 mdzoff 20000 // tile1048 (pipes)
sprite 1248 angoff -512 // tile0037 freezeammo
sprite 1248 pitch -1 // tile0037 freezeammo
sprite 1248 mdzoff 700000 // tile0037 freezeammo
sprite 1245 pitch -1 // tile0557 chair2
sprite 1245 mdzoff 300000 // tile0557 chair2
sprite 1249 angoff 768 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 1272 angoff -768 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 456 pitch -1 // tile0557 chair2
sprite 456 mdzoff 300000 // tile0557 chair2
sprite 455 angoff -640 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 455 pitch 1 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 455 mdzoff 500000 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 467 angoff -512 // tile0047 hbombammo
sprite 469 roll -1 // tile0162 dipswitch
sprite 469 mdzoff 350000 // tile0162 dipswitch
sprite 468 angoff -512 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 457 angoff 1024 // tile0557 chair2
sprite 457 pitch -1 // tile0557 chair2
sprite 457 mdzoff 300000 // tile0557 chair2
sprite 458 angoff -128 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 458 pitch 1 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 458 mdzoff 500000 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 1306 angoff -320 // tile0055 steroids
sprite 1305 angoff -512 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 1415 angoff 768 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 1416 angoff 1024 // tile0047 hbombammo
sprite 1294 angoff 1024 // tile0023 rpgsprite
sprite 1294 pitch -1 // tile0023 rpgsprite
sprite 1294 mdzoff 900000 // tile0023 rpgsprite
sprite 1295 pitch -1 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 1295 mdzoff 900000 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 1296 angoff -512 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 1299 pitch -1 // tile1048 (pipes)
sprite 1299 mdzoff 100000 // tile1048 (pipes)
sprite 1292 pitch 1 // tile1060 clock
sprite 1292 mdxoff 25000 // tile1060 clock
sprite 1289 angoff 640 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 1171 angoff 1024 // tile0557 chair2
sprite 841 angoff 0 // tile0060 accesscard yellow