Subversion Repositories duke3d_hrp


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// Maphacks by LeoD for use with the Duke Nukem 3D High Resolution Pack (HRP)

// Title    : Bruise Mining
// Author   : Frode 'Puritan' Waksvik
// Filename : V1L4.MAP
// mapmd4   : 4ba24c41568413eb1b5bae56258e8b24 // 2005-09-02 (Vermin Clearance)
// Filename :
// mapmd4   : 4ba24c41568413eb1b5bae56258e8b24 // 2006-05-17 (Vermin Clearance)
// Filename : VERMIN04.MAP
// mapmd4   : 7990ef37f4ab62b6638466bfb7e8d716 // 2013-06-07 (Addon Pack)

//         <-> BRUISE.mhk

// Curr. HRP: r5.3.647

// 31-507 / 508-644 / / 695-1557 / / 1600-1998
sprite   719 angoff    -640        // tile0061 boots
sprite   718 angoff    -512        // tile0054 shield
sprite  1058 angoff     896        // tile0026 heavyhbomb
sprite   717 angoff    -512        // tile0055 steroids
sprite  1107 angoff     832        // tile0028 shotgunsprite

sprite   448 angoff     640        // tile0059 heatsensor
sprite  1109 angoff    -512        // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite  2031 angoff    -832        // tile0021 firstgunsprite
sprite  1108 angoff    -128        // tile0060 accesscard blue
sprite   177 angoff     768        // tile0955 bottle2
sprite   455 angoff    -512        // tile0045 growammo
sprite   456 angoff     1024       // tile0045 growammo
sprite  1071 mdzoff     2020000    // tile4429 (tile0913 maskwall2 (fence))
sprite  1071 roll       1          // tile4429 (tile0913 maskwall2 (fence))
sprite  1070 mdzoff     2020000    // tile4429 (tile0913 maskwall2 (fence))
sprite  1070 roll       1          // tile4429 (tile0913 maskwall2 (fence))
sprite    32 angoff     1024       // tile0037 freezeammo
sprite   115 angoff     512        // tile0996 pipe4
sprite   950 mdzoff     200000     // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite   950 roll       1          // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite  1903 angoff    -512        // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite  1116 angoff    -512        // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite  1116 mdzoff     1200000    // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite  1116 pitch     -1          // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite   176 angoff    -896        // tile0955 bottle2
sprite  1881 mdzoff     200000     // tile1240 firebarrel
sprite  1881 roll      -1          // tile1240 firebarrel
sprite  1017 mdzoff     2400000    // tile4429 (tile0913 maskwall2 (fence))
sprite  1017 roll       1          // tile4429 (tile0913 maskwall2 (fence))
sprite  1016 mdzoff     2400000    // tile4429 (tile0913 maskwall2 (fence))
sprite  1016 roll       1          // tile4429 (tile0913 maskwall2 (fence))
sprite   225 pitch      144        // tile0951 box
sprite  1904 nomdanim              // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite  1905 angoff     768        // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite  1905 nomdanim              // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite  1466 angoff    -896        // tile0052 sixpack
sprite  1099 mdzoff     200000     // tile4367 hatrack
sprite  1099 pitch      4          // tile4367 hatrack
sprite  1099 roll       1          // tile4367 hatrack
sprite  1869 angoff     1024       // tile1164 bottle17
sprite   491 angoff     448        // tile4454 deskphone
sprite  1097 angoff    -768        // tile4370 desklamp
sprite  1097 mdzoff     400000     // tile4370 desklamp
sprite  1097 pitch     -1          // tile4370 desklamp
sprite  1097 roll      -1          // tile4370 desklamp
sprite   498 mdzoff     500000     // tile4440 donuts2
sprite   498 pitch      1          // tile4440 donuts2
sprite   498 roll       1          // tile4440 donuts2
sprite  1098 angoff     896        // tile0557 chair2
sprite   461 mdxoff     70000      // tile4524 (steed's gear)
sprite   461 pitch      1          // tile4524 (steed's gear)
sprite  1771 angoff     256        // tile1045 donuts
sprite  1771 mdzoff     300000     // tile1045 donuts
sprite  1771 roll       1          // tile1045 donuts
sprite  1020 angoff     1024       // tile0916 fireext
sprite   335 mdzoff     200000     // tile0669 vacuum
sprite   335 pitch     -1          // tile0669 vacuum
sprite   335 roll      -1          // tile0669 vacuum
sprite   457 angoff     1024       // tile0045 growammo
sprite  1025 angoff     384        // tile0557 chair2
sprite  1024 angoff    -768        // tile0557 chair2
sprite  1026 angoff     192        // tile0557 chair2
sprite   503 mdzoff     200000     // tile4443 (flag)
sprite   503 pitch      4          // tile4443 (flag)
sprite   503 roll      -1          // tile4443 (flag)
sprite   280 angoff    -768        // tile0916 fireext
sprite   280 mdzoff     150000     // tile0916 fireext
sprite   280 pitch      1          // tile0916 fireext
sprite   172 angoff     640        // tile0955 bottle2
sprite  1815 mdzoff     400000     // tile1062 rubbercan
sprite  1815 roll       1          // tile1062 rubbercan
sprite   114 angoff     256        // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   114 mdzoff     350000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   114 roll       1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    31 angoff    -608        // tile0024 freezesprite
sprite   294 angoff    -256        // tile0916 fireext
sprite   294 mdzoff     250000     // tile0916 fireext
sprite   294 pitch     -1          // tile0916 fireext
sprite   935 notmd                 // tile0132 slotdoor
sprite   644 angoff     768        // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite   113 angoff    -256        // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   113 mdzoff     400000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   113 pitch     -1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite  1450 angoff     256        // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite  1451 angoff     256        // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite  1452 angoff     256        // tile0052 sixpack
sprite   450 angoff    -512        // tile0053 firstaid
sprite   608 angoff     256        // tile0023 rpgsprite
sprite  1400 angoff     256        // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite  1400 mdzoff     500000     // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite  1400 pitch     -1          // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite  1373 nomdanim              // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite  1373 angoff     896        // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite  1372 nomdanim              // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite  1376 nomdanim              // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite  1376 angoff    -384        // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite  1375 nomdanim              // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite  1375 angoff     256        // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite  1374 nomdanim              // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite  1374 angoff     1024       // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite  1369 angoff     384        // tile4495 wetfloor
sprite  1364 angoff     1024       // tile4496 broom
sprite  1364 mdzoff     550000     // tile4496 broom
sprite  1364 pitch     -1          // tile4496 broom
sprite  1365 angoff    -512        // tile4496 broom
sprite  1365 mdzoff     550000     // tile4496 broom
sprite  1365 pitch     -1          // tile4496 broom
sprite  1371 angoff     1024       // tile0669 vacuum
sprite  1368 angoff    -512        // tile4497 mop
sprite  1401 angoff     768        // tile0052 sixpack
sprite   112 mdzoff     300000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   112 pitch     -1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   112 roll       1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   295 angoff     768        // tile0916 fireext
sprite   295 mdzoff     150000     // tile0916 fireext
sprite   295 pitch      1          // tile0916 fireext

sprite   507 angoff     512        // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite  1399 angoff    -512        // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite    78 angoff     1024       // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    78 mdzoff     300000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    78 pitch     -1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    78 roll       1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    79 mdzoff     300000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    79 pitch     -1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    79 roll       1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   293 angoff    -256        // tile0916 fireext
sprite   293 mdzoff     150000     // tile0916 fireext
sprite   293 pitch      1          // tile0916 fireext
sprite   744 notmd                 // tile1069 plug
sprite   533 angoff     768        // tile0045 growammo
sprite  1393 angoff     768        // tile0045 growammo
sprite   138 angoff    -512        // tile0955 bottle2
sprite   138 mdzoff     500000     // tile0955 bottle2
sprite   138 pitch     -1          // tile0955 bottle2
sprite   702 angoff    -256        // tile0053 firstaid
sprite   695 angoff    -512        // tile0023 rpgsprite
sprite   703 angoff     896        // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite  1433 angoff     768        // tile0060 accesscard yellow
sprite   162 angoff     512        // tile0955 bottle2
sprite  1600 mdzoff     200000     // tile0765 vase
sprite  1600 pitch      1          // tile0765 vase
sprite  1600 roll       1          // tile0765 vase
sprite   296 nomdanim              // tile0869 statueflash (geisha)
sprite   296 angoff    -384        // tile0869 statueflash (geisha)
sprite   587 angoff     768        // tile0680 chair3
sprite   584 angoff    -128        // tile0680 chair3
sprite   584 mdzoff     500000     // tile0680 chair3
sprite   584 roll      -1          // tile0680 chair3
sprite   585 angoff    -256        // tile0680 chair3
sprite   586 angoff     128        // tile0680 chair3
sprite   167 angoff     640        // tile0955 bottle2
sprite   171 angoff    -384        // tile0955 bottle2
sprite   572 angoff     896        // tile0680 chair3
sprite   573 angoff    -512        // tile0680 chair3
sprite   574 angoff    -128        // tile0680 chair3
sprite   575 angoff     256        // tile0680 chair3
sprite   580 angoff    -128        // tile0680 chair3
sprite   581 angoff     256        // tile0680 chair3
sprite   582 angoff     128        // tile0680 chair3
sprite   582 mdzoff     500000     // tile0680 chair3
sprite   582 roll       1          // tile0680 chair3
sprite   583 angoff    -768        // tile0680 chair3
sprite   170 angoff    -768        // tile0955 bottle2
sprite   564 angoff     256        // tile4569 jollymeal
sprite   564 mdzoff     700000     // tile4569 jollymeal
sprite   564 roll      -1          // tile4569 jollymeal
sprite   565 mdzoff     200000     // tile4552 (worms)
sprite   565 pitch     -1          // tile4552 (worms)
sprite   565 roll      -2          // tile4552 (worms)
sprite   563 angoff     896        // tile4547 foodobject18
sprite  1772 angoff    -512        // tile1045 donuts
sprite  1772 mdzoff     500000     // tile1045 donuts
sprite  1772 pitch     -1          // tile1045 donuts
sprite   576 angoff     128        // tile0680 chair3
sprite   577 angoff     512        // tile0680 chair3
sprite   578 angoff     640        // tile0680 chair3
sprite   579 angoff    -896        // tile0680 chair3
sprite   169 angoff     1024       // tile0955 bottle2
sprite   168 angoff    -512        // tile0955 bottle2
sprite  1642 angoff     1024       // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite  1642 mdzoff     900000     // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite  1642 pitch     -1          // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite   297 angoff    -640        // tile0869 statueflash (geisha)
sprite   159 angoff     512        // tile0955 bottle2
sprite   292 angoff     512        // tile0916 fireext
sprite   334 angoff    -64         // tile0669 vacuum
sprite    82 mdzoff     200000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    82 pitch      1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    82 roll      -1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   163 angoff    -896        // tile0955 bottle2
sprite   164 angoff     896        // tile0955 bottle2
sprite  1643 angoff     512        // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite    81 angoff    -512        // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    81 mdzoff     100000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    81 pitch     -2          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    81 roll       3          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    80 angoff    -768        // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    80 mdzoff     200000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    80 pitch     -1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    80 roll       1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   158 angoff     896        // tile0955 bottle2
sprite  1655 mdzoff     600000     // tile0954 bottle1 (cocktail glass)
sprite  1655 pitch     -1          // tile0954 bottle1 (cocktail glass)
sprite   541 mdzoff     750000     // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet))
sprite   541 pitch     -1          // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet))
sprite   540 mdzoff     750000     // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet))
sprite   540 pitch     -1          // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet))
sprite  1656 angoff     512        // tile4866 toughgal
sprite   111 angoff    -512        // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   111 mdzoff     300000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   111 pitch     -1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   111 roll       1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite  1873 angoff     1024       // tile1164 bottle17
sprite   551 angoff     1024       // tile0569 toilet
sprite   110 mdzoff     300000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   110 pitch     -1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   110 roll       1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   109 angoff    -512        // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   109 mdzoff     300000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   109 pitch     -1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   109 roll       1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   550 angoff     1024       // tile0569 toilet
sprite   291 angoff    -512        // tile0916 fireext
sprite  1816 mdzoff     400000     // tile1062 rubbercan
sprite  1816 pitch     -1          // tile1062 rubbercan
sprite   290 angoff    -512        // tile0916 fireext
sprite  1646 angoff    -768        // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite  1444 angoff     1024       // tile4370 desklamp
sprite  1872 angoff     1024       // tile1164 bottle17
sprite   155 angoff    -640        // tile0955 bottle2
sprite  1441 angoff     1024       // tile4370 desklamp
sprite   154 angoff     768        // tile0955 bottle2
sprite   472 angoff     832        // tile4464 mace
sprite   472 mdzoff     400000     // tile4464 mace
sprite   472 pitch      1          // tile4464 mace
sprite  1773 mdzoff     100000     // tile1045 donuts
sprite  1773 pitch     -4          // tile1045 donuts
sprite  1773 roll      -2          // tile1045 donuts
sprite  1471 angoff     512        // tile0025 shrinkersprite
sprite   333 angoff    -256        // tile0669 vacuum
sprite  1469 angoff     1024       // tile4370 desklamp
sprite   489 angoff    -512        // tile4454 deskphone
sprite   489 mdzoff     300000     // tile4454 deskphone
sprite   489 pitch     -1          // tile4454 deskphone
sprite   489 roll       3          // tile4454 deskphone
sprite   721 angoff    -512        // tile0060 accesscard red
sprite   100 mdzoff     200000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   100 roll      -1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite  1556 angoff    -896        // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite  1557 angoff    -768        // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite  1882 angoff     896        // tile1238 explodingbarrel
sprite  1882 mdzoff     300000     // tile1238 explodingbarrel
sprite  1882 roll      -1          // tile1238 explodingbarrel
sprite  1883 angoff    -768        // tile1238 explodingbarrel
sprite  1906 angoff     640        // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite  1906 mdzoff     500000     // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite  1906 pitch      1          // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite  1906 roll      -1          // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite    95 mdzoff     300000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    95 pitch      1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite  1884 angoff     640        // tile1238 explodingbarrel
sprite    96 mdzoff     300000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    96 pitch      1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    99 mdzoff     200000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    99 pitch      1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    99 roll       1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   108 mdzoff     200000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   108 pitch     -1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   289 angoff     512        // tile0916 fireext
sprite    98 mdzoff     300000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    98 pitch      1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite  1359 angoff     512        // tile1227 nukebarrel
sprite  1360 angoff     640        // tile1227 nukebarrel
sprite  1361 angoff     384        // tile1238 explodingbarrel
sprite  1356 angoff     384        // tile1227 nukebarrel
sprite  1355 angoff     512        // tile1227 nukebarrel
sprite  1357 angoff     640        // tile1227 nukebarrel
sprite  1358 angoff     640        // tile1238 explodingbarrel
sprite  1351 mdzoff     600000     // tile1227 nukebarrel
sprite  1351 pitch     -1          // tile1227 nukebarrel
sprite  1352 angoff     384        // tile1238 explodingbarrel
sprite  1353 angoff     512        // tile1227 nukebarrel
sprite    97 angoff    -256        // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    97 mdzoff     300000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    97 pitch     -1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite  1822 mdzoff     200000     // tile1062 rubbercan
sprite  1822 pitch     -2          // tile1062 rubbercan
sprite   105 mdzoff     100000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   105 roll       1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   123 mdzoff     200000     // tile0978 cone
sprite   123 pitch     -1          // tile0978 cone
sprite   123 roll      -2          // tile0978 cone
sprite   124 mdzoff     100000     // tile0978 cone
sprite   124 pitch     -2          // tile0978 cone
sprite   124 roll      -1          // tile0978 cone
sprite   125 mdzoff     200000     // tile0978 cone
sprite   125 pitch     -1          // tile0978 cone
sprite   125 roll       1          // tile0978 cone
sprite  1910 nomdanim              // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite  1910 angoff     1024       // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite   104 mdzoff     450000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   104 pitch     -1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   103 mdzoff     450000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   103 pitch     -1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite  1911 nomdanim              // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite  1911 angoff     768        // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite  1552 angoff    -512        // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite  1551 angoff    -256        // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite   102 mdzoff     200000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   102 roll      -1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite  1912 nomdanim              // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite  1912 angoff     640        // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite  1913 nomdanim              // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite   106 mdzoff     400000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   106 roll       1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   287 angoff    -928        // tile0916 fireext
sprite   101 mdzoff     500000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   101 pitch     -1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite  1555 angoff     768        // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite  1887 angoff    -512        // tile1238 explodingbarrel
sprite  1788 angoff    -896        // tile4580 canwithsomething2
sprite  1787 angoff    -640        // tile4580 canwithsomething2
sprite  1783 mdzoff     500000     // tile4581 canwithsomething3
sprite  1783 roll       1          // tile4581 canwithsomething3
sprite  1886 angoff    -512        // tile1238 explodingbarrel
sprite   107 mdzoff     400000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   107 roll       1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite  1823 mdzoff     200000     // tile1062 rubbercan
sprite  1823 pitch      1          // tile1062 rubbercan
sprite   126 mdzoff     400000     // tile0978 cone
sprite   126 roll      -1          // tile0978 cone
sprite   127 mdzoff     200000     // tile0978 cone
sprite   127 pitch      1          // tile0978 cone
sprite   127 roll      -1          // tile0978 cone
sprite   128 mdzoff     200000     // tile0978 cone
sprite   128 pitch      2          // tile0978 cone
sprite   128 roll       1          // tile0978 cone
sprite  1554 angoff     1024       // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite  1885 angoff    -768        // tile1238 explodingbarrel
sprite  1785 angoff     1024       // tile4580 canwithsomething2
sprite  1553 angoff     640        // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite  1786 angoff    -768        // tile4580 canwithsomething2
sprite  1784 angoff     768        // tile4580 canwithsomething2
sprite   643 angoff     128        // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite  1626 angoff     256        // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite  1626 mdzoff     100000     // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite  1626 pitch      1          // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite  1626 roll       2          // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite  1624 angoff     1024       // tile1014 bottle8
sprite   454 angoff     768        // tile0045 growammo
sprite   453 angoff     768        // tile0045 growammo
sprite    84 angoff     256        // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    84 mdzoff     400000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    84 pitch     -1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    85 angoff     256        // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    85 mdzoff     400000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    85 pitch     -1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite  1890 angoff     768        // tile1238 explodingbarrel
sprite  1891 angoff    -768        // tile1238 explodingbarrel
sprite  1893 angoff    -512        // tile1238 explodingbarrel
sprite  1895 angoff    -256        // tile1238 explodingbarrel
sprite  1892 angoff     512        // tile1238 explodingbarrel
sprite   283 angoff     512        // tile0916 fireext
sprite   148 angoff     640        // tile0955 bottle2
sprite    83 angoff     768        // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    83 mdzoff     400000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    83 pitch     -1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite  1615 angoff    -512        // tile4497 mop
sprite  1616 angoff     1024       // tile4496 broom
sprite  1616 mdzoff     550000     // tile4496 broom
sprite  1616 pitch     -1          // tile4496 broom
sprite  1621 angoff     768        // tile1014 bottle8
sprite   557 angoff    -384        // tile0557 chair2
sprite  1774 angoff    -384        // tile1045 donuts
sprite  1774 mdzoff     600000     // tile1045 donuts
sprite  1774 pitch      1          // tile1045 donuts
sprite  1620 angoff    -768        // tile1014 bottle8
sprite   556 angoff     384        // tile0557 chair2
sprite   555 angoff     640        // tile0557 chair2
sprite  1609 angoff     512        // tile4372 coffeemachine
sprite  1614 angoff     1024       // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite  1611 angoff     1024       // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite  1612 angoff     1024       // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite  1613 angoff     1024       // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite  1844 mdxoff     15000      // tile1069 plug
sprite  1844 pitch      1          // tile1069 plug
sprite   515 angoff     1024       // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite   514 angoff    -768        // tile0045 growammo
sprite  1907 nomdanim              // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite  1907 angoff    -768        // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite  1908 nomdanim              // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite    86 angoff     512        // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    86 mdzoff     300000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    86 pitch     -1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    86 roll       1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    87 angoff     512        // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    87 mdzoff     300000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    87 pitch     -1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    87 roll       1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   282 angoff    -512        // tile0916 fireext
sprite   282 mdzoff     300000     // tile0916 fireext
sprite   282 pitch     -1          // tile0916 fireext
sprite     2 notmd                 // tile0140 frankenstineswitch
sprite   851 notmd                 // tile0132 slotdoor
sprite    94 mdzoff     100000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    94 pitch      2          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    88 angoff     512        // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    88 mdzoff     300000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    88 roll       1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   285 angoff    -512        // tile0916 fireext
sprite    93 mdzoff     300000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    93 roll       1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   143 angoff     512        // tile0955 bottle2
sprite    92 mdzoff     200000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    92 pitch     -1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite   144 angoff    -128        // tile0955 bottle2
sprite   144 mdzoff     300000     // tile0955 bottle2
sprite   144 roll      -1          // tile0955 bottle2
sprite   145 angoff    -384        // tile0955 bottle2
sprite   146 angoff    -640        // tile0955 bottle2
sprite    91 angoff    -768        // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    91 mdzoff     400000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    91 pitch     -1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite  1909 nomdanim              // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite  1909 angoff     512        // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite   284 angoff     512        // tile0916 fireext
sprite    90 angoff     768        // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    90 mdzoff     400000     // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    90 pitch     -1          // tile0994 pipe5
sprite    89 angoff     512        // tile0995 pipe6
sprite    89 mdzoff     200000     // tile0995 pipe6
sprite    89 roll       1          // tile0995 pipe6
sprite  1991 angoff     256        // tile0052 sixpack
sprite  1990 angoff    -640        // tile0052 sixpack
sprite  1481 angoff     256        // tile0680 chair3
sprite  1481 mdzoff     150000     // tile0680 chair3
sprite  1481 pitch      1          // tile0680 chair3
sprite  1483 angoff    -640        // tile0680 chair3
sprite  1480 angoff     1024       // tile0680 chair3
sprite  1478 angoff    -512        // tile0557 chair2
sprite  1477 angoff     256        // tile0557 chair2
sprite     7 angoff     384        // tile4372 coffeemachine
sprite  1853 mdyoff    -15000      // tile1069 plug
sprite  1853 mdzoff     200000     // tile1069 plug
sprite  1853 roll      -1          // tile1069 plug
sprite  1315 mdxoff     5000       // tile0407 fansprite
sprite  1315 pitch     -1          // tile0407 fansprite
sprite  1318 mdxoff     10000      // tile0407 fansprite
sprite  1318 pitch     -2          // tile0407 fansprite
sprite  1319 mdxoff     10000      // tile0407 fansprite
sprite  1319 pitch     -1          // tile0407 fansprite
sprite   452 angoff     512        // tile0045 growammo
sprite   451 angoff     512        // tile0045 growammo
sprite  1992 angoff    -512        // tile0052 sixpack
sprite  1995 angoff    -512        // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite  1820 mdzoff     200000     // tile1062 rubbercan
sprite  1820 roll      -1          // tile1062 rubbercan
sprite   642 notmd                 // tile1069 plug
sprite   140 angoff     384        // tile0955 bottle2
sprite   649 angoff     512        // tile0680 chair3
sprite   648 angoff    -256        // tile0680 chair3
sprite   647 angoff    -896        // tile0680 chair3
sprite   141 angoff     640        // tile0955 bottle2
sprite  1854 mdxoff     15000      // tile1069 plug
sprite  1854 pitch      1          // tile1069 plug
sprite   286 angoff     1024       // tile0916 fireext
sprite  1994 angoff     768        // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite  1996 angoff    -512        // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite  1852 mdxoff     10000      // tile1069 plug
sprite  1852 pitch      1          // tile1069 plug
sprite  1493 angoff    -256        // tile0557 chair2
sprite  1997 angoff    -128        // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite  1997 mdzoff     900000     // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite  1997 pitch     -1          // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite  1821 mdzoff     200000     // tile1062 rubbercan
sprite  1821 pitch     -2          // tile1062 rubbercan
sprite  1821 roll       1          // tile1062 rubbercan
sprite   646 angoff     896        // tile4370 desklamp
sprite   646 mdzoff     700000     // tile4370 desklamp
sprite   646 roll      -1          // tile4370 desklamp
sprite   501 mdzoff     200000     // tile4443 (flag)
sprite   501 roll      -1          // tile4443 (flag)
sprite  1998 angoff     1024       // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite  1998 mdzoff     300000     // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite  1998 pitch      1          // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite  1998 roll       1          // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite  1126 angoff     768        // tile0557 chair2
sprite   502 mdzoff     200000     // tile4443 (flag)
sprite   502 pitch      2          // tile4443 (flag)
sprite   502 roll      -1          // tile4443 (flag)
sprite   519 angoff     1024       // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite   518 angoff     1024       // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite   517 angoff     1024       // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite   523 angoff     640        // tile0557 chair2
sprite   449 angoff    -64         // tile0053 firstaid
sprite   449 mdzoff     700000     // tile0053 firstaid
sprite   449 pitch     -1          // tile0053 firstaid
sprite   524 angoff    -768        // tile0557 chair2
sprite   281 angoff    -256        // tile0916 fireext
sprite   281 mdzoff     150000     // tile0916 fireext
sprite   281 pitch      1          // tile0916 fireext
sprite  1864 mdxoff     17000      // tile1069 plug
sprite  1864 pitch      1          // tile1069 plug
sprite  1550 angoff     768        // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite  1536 angoff     512        // tile4581 canwithsomething3
sprite  1536 mdzoff     500000     // tile4581 canwithsomething3
sprite  1536 pitch      1          // tile4581 canwithsomething3