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Level Solutions
By Sunstorm Interactive
This text file is a step by step level solution guide to the
popular Duke Nukem 3D addon "Duke It Out In DC". It has exact steps on how
to solve each level, do not read it if you want to find things on your own.
But if you are stuck in a level and don't know where to go or what to do to
finish the level, this file will tell you exactly what you need to do. This
walkthrough does not cover secrets or extraneous area's; so there is a lot
more to discover in each level besides what is covered here.
1) When you start, go around the side of the Whitehouse to the right, and
bust through the side window.
2) Open the door, and go straight down the hall, entering the second door
on the right.
3) Go across the room and press on the recessed wall panel that is directly
across from the door you just came through.
4) Once through the wall door, go straight and take the small lift that is
there up. In this small room, blow up the C9 cannisters. You will need
to use a pipebomb and go back down the lift to detonate it or you will
be killed in the explosion. Once it has blown, go back up the lift to
find the hole you have made.
5) Go through the hole and take a right, ride the large blue elevator down.
6) Follow the red-lit path down, then take the small lift at the end down
to discover the BLUE KEY straight ahead as you exit the lift.
7) Retrace your steps back to where you blew your hole, except this time,
go past the hole, and hit the switch to open the metal door.
8) Once through the door, go left around the upper rotunda and use your
blue key on the door to the oval office.
9) Once in the oval office, press on the small section of red books in
the second book alcove on the right. After the little door opens, use
your pistol to hit the switch behind it.
10)Turn around and go through the secret compartment that opened in the
book alcove on the opposite side of the room.
11)Once in the secret compartment, get the RED KEY that is in the glass
12)Leave the oval office and go left around the upper rotunda, when you
get to the stairs take them to the lower level.
13)At the bottom of the stairs go right and use the red key on the door
at the end of the hall. The level exit is up the stairs and to the left.
1) Once you begin, go down the hall then up the stairs and to the right
toward the memorial.
2) Go up the large steps into the memorial, look on the wall to the right
of the seated Lincoln statue for a crack in the wall. Blow it up and go
through, you should fell an earthquake and fall down through a hole.
3) Exit the hole and find yourself in an underground bathroom. To your right
are three stalls. Go into the vent in the wall in the middle stall.
4) Follow the vent shaft around to the right to claim the YELLOW KEY.
5) Exit back out of the vent the same way you came in, back into the
men's bathroom.
6) Follow the bathroom around to the right past the stalls and urinals.
Do not go through the hole that gets blown in the wall across from the
sinks, instead keep moving ahead and to the right to exit the restroom.
7) After exiting the restroom, go right and stay to the right. When you come
to the end with a broken elevator on your right, go left down the steps
across from it and then right into the alcove in the wall there. Use your
yellow key on the door there.
8) Follow the area on the other side of the door around and ride the small
lift on the right down to a water area. Go out of the lift and the big
red column on the left has the BLUE KEY. Grab it and take the lift
back up.
9) Save your game before this step-you don't want to run out of pistol ammo!
Now that you have the key, you must struggle through a timed switch
puzzle. The two lighted alcoves you will see across the water pit each
have a red button and a door, and there is a third button and door to
the left. When each button is hit, it opens the door next to it, but
the doors close after a very short period of time. What you must do is
stand directly to the right of the big red column against the short wall,
and shoot the buttons in quick succession, starting with the one on the
far right, then the one to the left of it, then you must run to the left
and shoot the button for the far left door that is on the wall next to
it, and quickly try to run through all the doors before they close again.
This puzzle is not impossible, but may require a few tries to get it
right. Once you have made it through all three doors, you will arrive
at the locked door, use your BLUE KEY now, runner.
10)Once through the blue key door, hit the switch on the far side of the
large central control station, this will cause the two metal doors in
the wall there to open.
11)In the alcove on the right you will see a RED KEY across the water, grab
it and then let the water carry you down and away.
12)Once you are deposited in an underground pool, submerge and follow the
underwater tunnel there until you come to an area with seaweed, then
13)You will find yourself in the reflecting pool outside of the memorial.
Get out of the pool and go away from the memorial and down toward the
Washington Monument (the needle). On the right is the red key door
directly across from where you first began the level. Use your red key
on this door and follow the hallway beyond to the exit.
1) When you begin, go straight down the alley, and follow the tunnel until
it brings you to the front of the FBI building. Blow a hole in the front
door of the building.(pipebombs are in alley around side)
2) Once inside the main lobby, go right and up the escalator. Ahead of you
will be a locked door and a desk. Turn to the right and you will see a
large hallway. Go in the first door on the left in the hallway.
3) You will find yourself in a room full of bookshelves. At the far end of
this room is a vent close to the floor, go into it.
4) Once in the vent, make an immediate left and stay to the left; punching
through the grate at the end. You will drop into an enclosed room that
contains the YELLOW KEY.
5) Once you have the yellow key, climb back up on the crates and go back
into the vent you just came out of. This time, make a left that takes
you down. At the end of this shaft, take another left and exit the vent.
6) Once out of the vent, turn right and go down the little hall that is to
the immediate right of the water fountain. At the end of this hall, use
your yellow key on the door there.
7) You should now find yourself in the crime lab. Turn the corner and go
through the large entranceway with the 'no smoking' sign next to it,
once through, take a right into the darkness. A thin window will open in
the wall, you must use your pistol to hit the button on the other side,
then run around and get through the door before it closes.
8) Once in the little room, go around the corner and hit the switch on the
computer there.
9) Then go back into the main lab area and you will see a vent near the
floor on the far wall next to some blinking computers. Squat down and go
in the vent.
10)Once in the vent, go straight ahead to the dead end and look for a small
button on the left wall of the vent; hit it. When the door opens, go left
and exit the vent.
11)Once out of the vent, watch out for an explosion as Pig Cops blast a hole
in the ceiling. Then go right toward the explosion, then take your first
left. Go down the stairs and through the door into the darkness that says
'no admittance' and 'secured area' above it.
12)Go straight down the darkened hall, following it around to the right at
the end. Go LOOK through the first window on your right and the door at
the end of the hall will open.
13)Once inside the brightly lit area, you will see a sealed room with bars
across from where you just entered; inside there is the BLUE KEY. In
order to get the door to open, you must go into the area behind you with
all the free standing computers and step on the detached access plate on
the floor, then run to get in the little room before the door closes.
14)Once you have the key, exit this area back the way you came; down the dark
hall, through the security door, and up the steps to where the hole in
the ceiling is.
15)Go left down this hall toward where it says 'EXIT', then around the
corner to the right and up the stairs continuing down the hall to where
it ends. (don't actually go in where it says exit) At the end, and to
your left should be the locked blue door. Use your key and enter.
16)Once in the assistant directors office, you will see six alcoves along
the wall filled with books. All but two of these open by way of a switch
on the business side of the large desk. Hitting the switch each time
opens a different alcove. Some alcoves have items, one an enemy, and one
is a secret passage. This one is the third one from the left, has a med
kit, and appears pitch black in the back. Once you get this one open
jump into it.
17)Go through the darkness and to the right. Follow the little hall down to
the end and take the small elevator down. At the bottom, exit the
elevator and go straight across and into the large blue elevator which
you will ride down also.
18)Once at the bottom, go left and through the big door marked 'danger'.
At the end of this hall is a portion of the underground tunnel system
that contains the RED KEY.
19)Once you have the key, go back the way you came, and up the big blue
elevator. When you exit the elevator, take a left and de-activate the
forcefield door and go through it.
20)Travel down this dank hall to the end and take the spiral staircase up,
exiting at the first left where it says 'exit' above the doorway.
21)When you come out to the alleyway, go down the steps where it says
'metro', and use your red key. The exit is beyond this door.
1) When you begin, hit the button to call the one-way train, and ride it to
the other end. When you get off, go right and down the escalator.
2) At the bottom is a welcome sign, go left here and take the elevator up
to the first floor lobby entrance. When you exit the elevator, turn
around and go into the elevator that is directly beside it. You will ride
this elevator up to the second floor.
3) When you exit this elevator, turn left and go staright ahead into the
door with a 'security' sign next to it. When you enter, go straight
ahead and to the right you will see a vent near the floor; get in it.
4) Once in the vent, keep following it until you can make your first right
turn. Keep going straight in this shaft, it will go down and then back
up. Follow it to the end where you will find the YELLOW KEY. Get the key
and jump out of the vent there.
5) Once out of the vent, you should see an elevator. Take it down to the
first floor and then go straight ahead and use your yellow key to enter
the 'Living Ocean' exhibit.
6) Once in the exhibit it will be dark, follow the guiding arrows on the
floor. Along the way, look for a sealed door marked 'employees only',
and make note of where this door is. At that door, follow the arrow on
the ground to the right and at the end of that hall you can go left or
right; go left. Continue to follow the arrows pass the displays until you
get to where you can go left or straight; go straight. Around the corner
you will see a display on your left with diving gear, break the glass
and take the gear, and hit the switch on the wall behind it. The switch
opens the 'employees only' door you previously passed. Re-trace your
steps until you are in front of that door again, except now it will have
opened to reveal an elevator. Ride this elevator up.
7) Exit the elevator and go left through a control area to an area that is
dark and has sealed doors that guard the entrances to the display tanks
below in the exhibit. You will need to explore this area back to where
you can enter a small long tank. In each tank you must dive in and hit a
button (usually located in a lower corner) which will open a door in
the upper tank area to the next tank you need to enter, and so on. There
are a total of five tanks to go into, the small thin one that you have
arrived at is the first one. The first three tanks have a single button
you need to hit to proceed, the fourth tank is the largest one and has
a three button combo you must solve (very easy). The fifth and last tank
has no button, you need to look for a entranceway in the stone wall of
the tank and swim though it.
8) At the end of this water tunnel, surface into an area populated by angry
Octobrains. In this center of this room is a round pool of water, dive
into it to claim the BLUE KEY. Once you have the key, go back through the
water tunnel and surface again in the area above the tanks, then go back
into the elevator and take it back down to the exhibit level. Leaving the
elevator, go straight against the flow of the arrows on the floor, until
you are back at the main entrance to the 'Living Ocean' exhibit.
9) Leaving the ocean exhibit, go straight ahead and ride the elevator on the
right up to the second floor. When you get to the top, go right and
follow the pathway around until you can go left or right; go right across
the small bridge and enter the gold-bricked 'Ancient Worlds' exhibit.
10)Go into the exhibit, the first display on your right should have a
fireplace and a bowl of flowers on a stone table. Hop up into this
exhibit and go through the arched doorway next to the fireplace.
11)Once behind the exhibit, go right and down the hall with the hanging
metal lights. Follow this hall to the end, then make a right and go all
the way down to the end and then right where you will find the blue key
door. Use your blue key and enter.
12)You are now inside the smithsonian storeroom. Look carefully at the floor
to find some clawprints leading in a certain direction. Slowly and
carefully, follow these clawprints through the storeroom. About two
thirds of the way through you will see one clawprint point toward a
column. Here you need to hit a switch on the column before continuing.
Continue to follow the prints, they will lead you to a door marked
'mummy room'. Go through this door. (NOTE: It is important to follow
carefully the clawprint marked path through this room or you will be
13)Once through the mummy room door, follow the hall downward, once in the
lower room, you need to enter the dark area on the right that is across
from where you came in. Enter the darkness and move to the left, the hall
will lead you around to the area with the open coffin, you will need to
jump into the coffin to continue your adventure.
14)You have been dropped into a sewer like area. Let the water pull you down
the tunnel until you come to a smasher that is blocked by bars. Jump out
of the water here to claim the RED KEY.
15)Once you grab the red key, hit the switch on the control panel behind you
which will open the bars blocking the smasher. Go back into the water and
slip under the smasher (save first, it can smash you) and continue
following the water tunnel down to the end.
16)When you get to the end of the sewer tunnel, you will see a small area
with pipes. At the far end of this area is a crack in the wall, blow it
open and go through to emerge in the main mens restroom.
17)After leaving the mens restroom take a left up some stairs continuing
until you come to a wall that read 'Ancient Worlds'. Go left here.
18)Follow the pathway down and hop up into the first display on the left.
On the right side of this display is an arched doorway, go through it and
follow it all the way back to the end where you will find a lighted
doorway on the right side. Go around the crates in there until you see
another area just beyond with more crates, and a large garage door. Use
your red key on this door to exit the level.
1) When you begin, go straight, and then right up the ramp into the alley.
Once in the alley, go right towards the Capitol building. In the center
of the street there you will see a sewer lid. Blow it open and jump in.
2) Once in the sewer, jump over onto the left side and head straight down
the tunnel until you come to the wall blocking both sides, at which time
you should witness an explosion on the left wall ahead. Once it is blown
open, go jump through it.
3) You are now in the basement of the Capitol building, which has been
attacked, is on fire, and is being racked with explosions, so go slowly
and carefully at all times! Go straight away from the hole and out of
the bathroom into a hallway. Go down to the end of this hallway and up
the stairs slowly. You need to go into the first door on your left.
4) Once inside the door, you need to enter the first door on your right.
This area has been badly damaged. Once inside the little office, watch
out for the big hole in the floor. The YELLOW KEY is on the other side
of this room, jump over to get it, and then leave the same way you came
in, and continue up the stairs until you get to the top.
5) At the top of the stairs you will find the main rotunda with a crashed
alien ship, go left here. At the end of this hall is the entrance to the
House Chamber, use your yellow key and go in.
6) The House Chamber is under siege! Go down and to the right side of the
room where you need to enter the cloak room through some red curtains.
7) Once in the cloak room, go all the way to the left and you should see a
vent in the wall there; hop up into it. Once in the vent, go straight
down to the revolving fan and then right, you will then drop down into
a small room with a desk.
8) In this room, go behind the desk there and hit the small button on the
wall, then jump back up into the vent. (avoid going near the half open
door here) In the vent, when you get to the fan, you will now notice a
new way to go has opened up straight ahead, follow it and drop down into
the hall beyond.
9) Go left down the hall away from the forcefield, to a room where you will
find the BLUE KEY.
10)Once you have the blue key, re-trace your steps back out of the cloak
room, out of the House Chamber, and back to the central rotunda. This
time, head straight across the rotunda on the opposite side from the
House Chamber to find the doors to the Senate Chamber. Use you blue key
here to enter.
11)Once through the main doors, you will find another set of doors just
beyond that are sealed. Blow open the crack in the wall to the left of
these to enter the Senate Chamber.
12)The Senate Chamber has been infested by aliens! On the opposite side of
the room is a bright round hole in the wall; inside this hole is the
RED KEY. The floor of the chamber may drop out, if you fall down into it
while trying to get across to the key, there is a jetpack in the front
right side of the room, near the front of the desks; be sure to grab it
as you will need it to get out as well. Once you get the key, exit the
Senate Chamber, and back out to the main rotunda.
13)Now it is time to leave the building. Go back down the small set of
stairs you originally came up, go all the way back down to the basement
and back into the bathroom, then back through the hole into the sewer.
In the sewer, go back to where you fell down and use the jetpack you
picked up to fly back up through the sewer hole to the street above.
14)Once back on the street, go down to the door at the end with the 'metro'
sign above it. Use your red key on this door, the exit is just beyond.
1) When you begin, follow the path down into the first subway station. You
will see two train platforms, one on the left, and one on the right. You
need to get on the train that will arrive on the right. When it arrives,
get on board and ride it to the next stop.
2) When the train stops, get off. Across the station is another track. Jump
onto the track and move quickly to the left to find a crashed subway
train. Go into the train and up into the first car where you will find
the BLUE KEY. Watch out for an octobrain ambush as you leave!
3) Once you have the blue key, go back to the station, when the train arrives
ride it back to the original station you started in.
4) When the train arrives back at your starting station, go across the
station to the opposite platform and ride that train to it's next stop
when it arrives.
5) When you arrive at your next stop, get off the train and go left into the
mens restroom. Notice that access to the other track here is blocked by
a metal fence. In the mens restroom, open the door to the stall there and
blow open the crack in the wall inside. This will open a passage out to
the track. When you are sure no train is coming, jump out through the
hole and move quickly to the right and jump up onto the train platform
on the other side of the fence. When the train arrives, get on it and
ride it to it's next stop.
6) You should have now arrived at the largest of the subway stations. Get
off the train and go forward, use your blue key to unlock the entrance
to the arcade there. Inside the arcade you will find the RED KEY.
7a)Once you have the red key, exit the arcade and go back onto the train
platform there and wait for the train to arrive, when it does, get on it
and ride it back to it's next stop, this should be the station with the
metal fence blocking the station. Get off here and jump onto the track
and go back and jump through the hole you blew earlier through the mens
restroom. Once in, go back into the station and proceed to the other end,
taking the escalators up to the top. At the top, use your red key on the
door there, the regular exit is just beyond, after an encounter with a
7b)Exit the arcade and go back onto the train platform there and wait for
the train to arrive, when it does get on it. Once on the train, turn and
face the open car door, watch things go by carefully. Very shortly you
will see a darkened train station go by, with a flashing light. The train
will not stop here. As soon as you see it, you must jump off, and onto
the platform. The abandoned station has a metal fence closing it off, but
there is a hole through the fence on the left side, go through it and
enter the darkened station. Look for two busted vending machines,
directly behind the column to the left of these is a crack in the wall,
blow it open and go through. You will find yourself in a badly lit
restroom, exit the restroom and go to the left. Here you will find a
stopped subway train the aliens are using as a breeding center! Just
behind it, down the track, is the entrance to the secret level.
1) When you begin, move forward down the sewer tunnel, at the end, jump
across the water to the other side and go to the right.
2) Do not go downward, but instead jump up onto the slanted ledge there,
following it around to the left. Go until you come to a vent in the wall,
bust through it and go in, at the end of this vent shaft, drop down the
hole there.
3) You will find yourself in a small room, grab the BLUE KEY that is there
and hit the switch next to the door to open it. Go across the water pool
here and take the stairs back up to the main tunnel.
4) Once at the top, go down the tunnel to the end and use your blue key on
the door in the lighted alcove on the right, go through the door.
5) Once through the door, crawl through the sewer tunnel there to the end,
then go left. Follow this tunnel down to the end, then fall down the hole
there. Let the water current here pull you downstream and into a large
water pit.
6) Dive under the water and swim into one of the two alcoves that has a
switch in it. Hit the switch there and surface again, the water will now
have raised to where you can climb out of it and onto a nearby area with
stairs leading up.
7) Follow the steps to the top, then go through the door at the far end of
this area, and take the small lift up to the top. Jump across to the
other side there and hit the switch. Watch out for an ambush from behind.
8) After hitting the switch, jump back across, take the lift down, and go
back down into the water pit; dive into the water all the way to the
bottom and go through the new entrance there, surfacing on the other
9) Once you surface, go into the next room and hit the switch on the wall
there, then follow the pathway up, then up some stairs. At the top of the
stairs, hit the switch to open the door, and go through.
10)In this room you will see the small sewer tunnel you originally came
through, get in this and go left. Follow it straight all the way down to
the end, then dive into the water there. Go through the small tunnel
and surface in the large pool beyond.
11)Once you surface, swim around to the other side of the dirty water tank,
and climb up on the ramp there. Next, get into the clean water tank, and
get onto the black and yellow lift, riding it to the top area.
12)Once on the top, go across the long metal bridge, and forward to claim
the RED KEY. Watch out for an ambush here.
13)Once you have the red key, go back across the bridge and use your red key
on the red key door on the other side of this area. Open this door and
go through.
14)Follow the stairs up into the small control room. Crawl into the vent
that is behind the crate, follow it around until you come out on a small
ledge. Go down this ledge to the other end to claim the YELLOW KEY.
15)Once you have the yellow key, go back down into the water, and over to
the black and yellow lift you originally rode up out of the water.
Staying in the water, make sure the lift is in it's 'up' position. Then,
dive under the water and swim under the lift, surfacing on the other
16)When you surface on the other side, you will see four small sewer
tunnels in the wall, marked a,b,c, and d. Use your yellow key on the
panel here to reveal a multi-switch. Use the multi-switch to open the
small sewer tunnels. Keep hitting the switch until you open the tunnel
marked 'd', then crawl through that tunnel to the other side. The other
tunnels have goodies in them.
17)As you emerge from the small tunnel, you will be in a dark room. On the
left side of the room across from you is a crack in the wall; blow it
open and go through.
18)Exit the bathroom and break through the window across the hall and go
outside, and over to the fountain at the center. Dive into the fountain.
19)At the bottom of the fountain, swim through the hole there to surface
where it ends. After surfacing, let the water chutes carry you down to
where the exit button is.
1) When you begin, dive into the pool of water and swim through the
underwater tunnel until you can surface.
2) When you surface, swim towards the pier, and climb up. Follow the pier
towards the shore and the buildings. Go around and into the large control
building overlooking the water, there you will get the YELLOW KEY.
3) Once you have the yellow key, go back out onto the pier and down to the
rear of the submarine USS Defiant (it's the fathest one out). Dive in the
water at the rear of the sub and surface up through a small hole in the
bottom there.
4) Once you surface, you are inside the sub. Use your yellow key to open the
door here.
5) As soon as you leave the room, go left and follow the path back to the
engine room, where you will see two large pistons. Ride the small lift in
this area up to the second level. Follow the hall up the stairs and
around until you get to the crew quarters, this will be an area with bunk
beds on both sides of you. Continue going straight through the halls
until you come to the bridge, which will be a large red-lit area with
many control panels.
6) Go all the way through the bridge and through the door at the other end.
Continue straight down the hall and around the corner to the right. Go
into the first door on your left to claim the RED KEY.
7) Once you have the red key, now re-trace your steps through the ship back
to the engine room. Once there, ride the lift down, then go back to the
red-lit area where where you started out. You will see three torpedo
tubes, and a red key panel. Use your red key to unlock torpedo tube #3.
then crawl inside to get the BLUE KEY.
8) Once you have the blue key, re-trace your steps back to the bridge, and
use it on the key panel marked 'torpedoes'. When you insert your key, a
door to the right of it will open revealing a switch. Hit the switch to
launch the torpedoes.
9) Once you launch the torpedoes, re-trace your steps back to the torpedo
room, then go back down into the water to exit the submarine.
10)Once you have exited the sub, and are on the surface, swim toward the
front of the sub, then continue swimming out into the water toward the
burning door with the large nuke symbol above it.
11)Crawl out of the water and go through the door. Once inside, follow the
many steps down to the exit button.
1) When you begin, go straight through the metal detector and body scanner
until you get to the large round doorway with 'US Armed Forces' above it.
2) Turn to the right and ride the small lift up to the second level, follow
this hallway around until you get to the room that overlooks the previous
area; hit the switch on the wall here to open the large door, and then
go back down.
3) Enter the large hexagonal room, which is in fact a gigantic elevator,
and ride it down. When you get to the bottom, go right following the
walkway around, and then down a small set of stairs. At the bottom of
these stairs, on the upper left wall is a vent grate. Bust it open and
go in.
4) Crawl through the vent until you find the YELLOW KEY. Then turn around
and leave the vent at the place you entered it.
5) Jump back out of the vent and continue to the left, across a bridge, and
into a well-lit area with a bridge and two rooms marked '1' and '2'. This
is the bunker door control area, and is where you will use your keys
to open the three bunkers. For now, go across the bridge and to the right
and into the room with a '1' above the door.
6) In this room, use your yellow key on the panel provided. When you do so a
wall panel next to it will open up revealing a switch, hit this switch to
open bunker #1.
7) Exit this little room and take the small lift to the right down to the
lower level. At the bottom, go left through the doorway and then to the
right to enter bunker #1.
8) After entering the bunker, move to the left and ride the elevator down to
the lower level. Follow the corridor around, staying to the right. You
will come to a large circular area with a bridge above you, continue on
through the other doorway. Follow this hall through, past the living
quarters, and into the shower area.
9) Enter the third shower stall on your right, then hop up onto the divider
between the stalls, you will see an opening in the wall up there; go
through it. In the little room beyond, you will see a vent shaft, go into
this shaft and follow it around until you come to a fan. Shoot out this
fan, and the one beyond it.
10)You must now jump from one fan to the other. When you get to the other
side, continue through the vent shaft until you come to a vent grate
with a switch beside it. Break open the grate, and then throw the switch
to reveal a hidden compartment in the wall on the far side of the room
below. Jump down and hit the switch that is revealed; this will turn off
the upstairs forcefield.
11)After you hit the switch, re-trace your steps back up to where you first
entered the bunker. Now, go straight across the bridge into the brightly
lit corridor beyond. Walk all the way down to the end where you will be
violently dropped into a dark area below.
12)The room you have been dropped into has the BLUE KEY at one end. Grab the
key and detonate the C9 cannisters at the other end of the area, which
will blow open a hole in the wall, allowing you to escape. Make your way
back up and out of bunker #1, and back to the bunker door control area.
13)In the bunker door control area, go into the little room with the number
'2' above the door, and use your blue key on the keypad there. Hit the
switch that is revealed to open bunker #2. Proceed to bunker #2 which is
in the opposite location from bunker #1.
14)After entering bunker #2, follow the steps around the center support up
to the top. Use caution, about a third of the way up you will be sealed
in and bushwacked by a group of enthusiastic octobrains, after you
dispatch them, proceed on to the top where you can hit a switch to lower
the wall that has sealed you in.
15)At the top, continue across the little bridge, and then around the
outside perimeter until you come to a blue door marked 'central command'.
16)Go down the blue corridor beyond and get in the lift at the end, riding
it down.
17)You have now entered the control center. Go down into the lower area and
you will be promptly sealed in. Go to the switch puzzle on the far left
control panel and hit the buttons on each end only. This will cause the
far wall to open, revealing a nasty underground alien nest!
18)Once you have cleared out the aliens, go to the upper alien platform
and retrieve the RED KEY, also be sure to hit the switch on the pedestal
on which it rests, this will unseal the door to let you out. Now that you
have posession of the red key, return to the bunker door control room.
19)In the door control room, use your red key on the pad at the end of the
bridge to reveal the third and final door switch. Hit the switch that is
revealed to open bunker #3.
20)Proceed to bunker #3 for your final confrontation. Bunker #3 is located
conveniently on the fashionable upper level, right across the bridge from
the big hexagonal elevator you originally rode down. It's time to go kick
some alien booty!
1) When you begin, proceed ahead and enter the warehouse on the right. Go
through the door and up the stairs to the control room.
2) Once in the control room you will see three doorways. Go into the one on
the left, it is an elevator; ride it down to the warehouse floor.
3) Exiting the elevator, go left and make your first right. Go straight and
then left into an area with frozen aliens. The area at the end has a
small desk; hit the switch on the front of the desk.
4) Leave the desk and go back to the elevator where you came down from the
control room. Newly opened up in this vicinity is an area with a crane
arm. Go stand on the yellow and black pad and allow the crane to pick
you up and carry you to the upper level.
5) Once on the upper level, follow the conveyor belt until it comes out in
an area with crates; get off here. Jump up onto the crates across from
the big door to claim the BLUE KEY. After getting the key, continue
to follow the conveyor belt; it will eventually deposit you back where
the crane first picked you up. Now ride the small elevator nearby back up
to the control room.
6) Once back in the control room, use your blue key on the blue access pad
next to the red door, after doing so it should open. DO NOT go through
the door, however. Instead, proceed through the middle doorway and go to
the left.
7) Follow the hallway all the way back until you come to an office with a
flag on the wall. On the business side of the desk is a switch; hit it
to open the secret door behind the flag, then go through it.
8) Jump into the vent here behind the fan and follow it all the way until it
comes to another fan. Shoot out this fan and then carefully jump over to
grab the RED KEY sitting atop the crate.
9) Jump off of the crate and walk straight away from the wall with the vent
until you come to a red brick area with bars; inside is a time machine.
Go to the right and use your red key on the door to get into the time
machine area. Get on the seat of the time machine to be transported back
in time.
10)After traveling back in time, get off the time machine and climb to the
top of the nearby aztec pyramid. Jump down the pit at the top.
11)After falling into the pyramid, go through the doorway with the
stylized 'a' above it, and follow that path down and around then up some
12)At the top of the stairs, jump into the water and swim through either
of the two holes in the wall at the bottom, surfacing on the other side.
13)After getting out of the water, proceed up the stairs and at the top go
straight and follow the pathway around and down some wide, curving
stairs into an open area.
14)Go into this area, making a left at the end which will take you down and
through an archway. Follow the steps up and into a room with a door on
the left. Move towards the door and it will open; go through into the
room beyond.
15)In the little room, get into the aquaduct and let it carry you away.
Jump out as soon as you see an area on your left. Follow this walkway
around until you come to a room with an obelisk. Move towards the
obelisk and it will open to reveal a switch. Hit the switch and re-trace
your steps back to the aquaduct.
16)Get back into the aquaduct and let it carry you straight and away. When
the water can carry you no farther, get out of the aquaduct and go back
down the curved stairs you earlier came down into the open area.
17)Entering the open area, this time go straight under the blue marble
archways, and down the stairs into the room beyond.
18)Move into the room and toward the center section, which will cause the
area to lower revealing the YELLOW KEY. Grab the key and jump into the
pit just beyond.
19)After falling through the pit, you will fall into a river and then find
yourself back at the aztec pyramid. Hop back into the time machine to
return to the warehouse.
20)After arriving back in the future, exit the time machine cage and follow
the warehouse around to the right, until you come to the yellow key door
which will be on your right. Use your key and go through.
21)After going through a short hallway, go to the right and around and up
some stairs. Go through the door at the top. After entering the room,
there should be an explosion in the far end right wall of the room. Go
down and jump through the hole it made.
22)Through the hole, let the water carry you until you are deposited in a
room with an alien submarine!
23)Go to the end of this room and press on the metal door there. When you
do, a large door behind you will open revealing an alien infested area.
Go into this area and hit the switch in the back of it to open the other
door which will lead to the exit.
This walkthrough was written by Robert Travis.
Generated by GNU Enscript