Rev 702 | Rev 724 | Go to most recent revision | Blame | Compare with Previous | Last modification | View Log | RSS feed
// Maphacks by LeoD for use with the Duke Nukem 3D High Resolution Pack (HRP)
// Title : The Airport X
// Author : ozelot47
// Filename :
// mapmd4 : 789c99248318e5c02c579a3663acde85 // 2014-06-07 16:58
// mapmd4 : 2ae4dc1acc788b5ce94118c148d5f87d // 2014-06-07 20:05
// <-> AirportX.mhk
// Curr. HRP: r5.3.641
// 0-1296 / 1343-1356 / 1368-3431
sprite 1870 angoff 512 // tile1160 bottle13
sprite 1869 angoff -512 // tile1162 bottle15
sprite 1868 angoff -768 // tile1166 bottle19
sprite 1881 angoff 512 // tile0694 pot1
sprite 2008 mdzoff 350000 // tile1025 bottle7 (plant)
sprite 2008 roll 1 // tile1025 bottle7 (plant)
sprite 2009 angoff 256 // tile0060 accesscard blue
sprite 1861 angoff 256 // tile0680 chair3
// Shop-n-Bag
sprite 1409 angoff 768 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 1409 mdzoff 500000 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 1409 pitch 1 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 458 mdyoff 50000 // tile4453 meter
sprite 458 mdzoff 300000 // tile4453 meter
sprite 458 pitch -1 // tile4453 meter
sprite 458 roll 1 // tile4453 meter
sprite 1408 angoff -512 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 1408 mdzoff 300000 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 1408 roll 1 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 459 mdyoff 25000 // tile4453 meter
sprite 459 mdzoff 320000 // tile4453 meter
sprite 459 pitch -1 // tile4453 meter
sprite 459 roll 2 // tile4453 meter
sprite 431 angoff -512 // tile4372 coffeemachine
sprite 430 angoff -512 // tile4372 coffeemachine
sprite 429 angoff -512 // tile4372 coffeemachine
sprite 428 angoff -512 // tile4372 coffeemachine
sprite 426 angoff -512 // tile4372 coffeemachine
sprite 1355 angoff 1024 // tile0685 cameralight
sprite 2012 notmd // tile1055 (film reel)
sprite 2013 notmd // tile1055 (film reel)
sprite 2363 angoff 768 // tile0026 heavyhbomb
sprite 1370 mdzoff 500000 // tile0040 ammo
sprite 1370 pitch -1 // tile0040 ammo
sprite 1371 angoff 1024 // tile0028 shotgunsprite
sprite 1373 mdzoff 500000 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 1373 pitch -1 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 1376 mdzoff 500000 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 1376 pitch -1 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 1379 mdzoff 500000 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 1379 pitch -1 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 1382 mdzoff 500000 // tile0026 heavyhbomb
sprite 1382 pitch -1 // tile0026 heavyhbomb
sprite 1395 angoff 256 // tile0027 tripbombsprite
sprite 1396 angoff 256 // tile0027 tripbombsprite
sprite 1383 angoff 512 // tile0025 shrinkersprite
sprite 1384 angoff 512 // tile0046 crystalammo
sprite 1384 mdzoff 500000 // tile0046 crystalammo
sprite 1384 pitch 1 // tile0046 crystalammo
sprite 1385 angoff 512 // tile0046 crystalammo
sprite 1386 angoff 512 // tile0032 growspriteicon
sprite 1386 mdzoff 500000 // tile0032 growspriteicon
sprite 1386 roll 1 // tile0032 growspriteicon
sprite 1387 angoff 512 // tile0045 growammo
sprite 1387 mdzoff 500000 // tile0045 growammo
sprite 1387 pitch -1 // tile0045 growammo
sprite 1388 angoff 512 // tile0045 growammo
sprite 1389 angoff 512 // tile0029 devistatorsprite
sprite 1390 angoff 512 // tile0042 devistatorammo
sprite 1390 mdzoff 500000 // tile0042 devistatorammo
sprite 1390 pitch 1 // tile0042 devistatorammo
sprite 1391 angoff 512 // tile0042 devistatorammo
sprite 1392 angoff 512 // tile0024 freezesprite
sprite 1393 angoff 512 // tile0037 freezeammo
sprite 1393 mdzoff 500000 // tile0037 freezeammo
sprite 1393 pitch 1 // tile0037 freezeammo
sprite 1394 angoff 512 // tile0037 freezeammo
sprite 1397 angoff 768 // tile0053 firstaid
sprite 1398 angoff 896 // tile0054 shield
sprite 1399 angoff 1024 // tile0055 steroids
sprite 1400 angoff 768 // tile0056 airtank
sprite 1400 mdzoff 1200000 // tile0056 airtank
sprite 1400 pitch 1 // tile0056 airtank
sprite 1400 roll 1 // tile0056 airtank
sprite 1401 angoff 1024 // tile0059 heatsensor
sprite 1402 angoff 1024 // tile0058 (spacesuit)
sprite 1407 angoff -256 // tile2362 (tile2360 (gunturret))
sprite 2996 notmd // tile2350 (tile2360 (gunturret))
//sprite 2996 nomdanim // tile2350 (tile2360 (gunturret))
sprite 2017 angoff 0 // tile0166 techswitch [Level 1 access]
// Duke Burger
sprite 506 angoff -512 // tile4570 dukeburger
sprite 506 mdzoff 900000 // tile4570 dukeburger
sprite 506 roll 1 // tile4570 dukeburger
sprite 546 angoff 512 // tile4538 foodobject9
sprite 547 angoff 512 // tile4537 foodobject8
sprite 548 angoff 512 // tile4538 foodobject9
sprite 549 angoff 512 // tile4537 foodobject8
sprite 550 angoff 512 // tile4538 foodobject9
sprite 551 angoff 512 // tile4537 foodobject8
sprite 537 angoff 1024 // tile4546 foodobject17
sprite 540 angoff 1024 // tile4548 foodobject19
sprite 1435 angoff 1024 // tile4533 foodobject4
sprite 2402 mdzoff 500000 // tile0047 hbombammo
sprite 2402 pitch 1 // tile0047 hbombammo
sprite 2402 roll 1 // tile0047 hbombammo
sprite 536 mdzoff 300000 // tile1062 rubbercan
sprite 536 pitch 1 // tile1062 rubbercan
sprite 536 roll -1 // tile1062 rubbercan
sprite 2401 angoff 512 // tile0022 chaingunsprite
sprite 2401 mdzoff 300000 // tile0022 chaingunsprite
sprite 2401 pitch -2 // tile0022 chaingunsprite
sprite 2401 roll 1 // tile0022 chaingunsprite
// lv1 zoll
sprite 613 angoff 640 // tile4438 coffeemug
sprite 2415 angoff -512 // tile0028 shotgunsprite
sprite 2414 angoff 512 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 2413 angoff 512 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 2412 angoff 512 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 2421 angoff -64 // tile0025 shrinkersprite
sprite 2443 angoff 768 // tile0021 firstgunsprite
sprite 2444 angoff -768 // tile0024 freezesprite
sprite 2444 mdzoff 200000 // tile0024 freezesprite
sprite 2444 roll 1 // tile0024 freezesprite
// lv1 a west
sprite 1172 angoff 512 // tile4377 policelightpole
sprite 1172 mdzoff 700000 // tile4377 policelightpole
sprite 1172 roll -1 // tile4377 policelightpole
sprite 1173 angoff 512 // tile4377 policelightpole
sprite 2447 angoff -512 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 2160 angoff 0 // tile0166 techswitch [Level 2 access]
// lv2
sprite 1413 angoff -640 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 1413 mdzoff 400000 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 1413 pitch -1 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 638 angoff -384 // tile1234 (tile1233 money)
sprite 638 mdxoff 5000 // tile1234 (tile1233 money)
sprite 638 pitch -1 // tile1234 (tile1233 money)
sprite 633 angoff 960 // tile1234 (tile1233 money)
sprite 633 mdxoff 5000 // tile1234 (tile1233 money)
sprite 633 pitch -1 // tile1234 (tile1233 money)
sprite 636 angoff 640 // tile1234 (tile1233 money)
sprite 636 mdxoff 5000 // tile1234 (tile1233 money)
sprite 636 pitch -1 // tile1234 (tile1233 money)
sprite 635 angoff -448 // tile1234 (tile1233 money)
sprite 635 mdxoff 5000 // tile1234 (tile1233 money)
sprite 635 pitch -1 // tile1234 (tile1233 money)
sprite 634 angoff 576 // tile1234 (tile1233 money)
sprite 634 mdxoff 5000 // tile1234 (tile1233 money)
sprite 634 pitch -1 // tile1234 (tile1233 money)
sprite 2456 angoff 512 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 2457 angoff 1024 // tile0051 cola
sprite 2458 angoff 1024 // tile0040 ammo
sprite 641 angoff 768 // tile0869 statueflash (geisha)
sprite 643 angoff 768 // tile1325 fem4 cavedancer
sprite 642 angoff -512 // tile1321 fem3 hooker
sprite 645 angoff 768 // tile1317 fem2 pole dancer
// lv2 info
sprite 399 mdzoff 500000 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 399 pitch -1 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 1296 angoff 768 // tile4438 coffeemug
sprite 397 angoff 896 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 396 angoff 256 // tile0556 chair1
// hotel klein
sprite 345 angoff -640 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 345 mdzoff 300000 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 345 pitch -1 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 2471 angoff 1024 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 341 angoff -256 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 1505 mdzoff 600000 // tile1062 rubbercan
sprite 1505 roll 1 // tile1062 rubbercan
sprite 152 angoff 512 // tile0995 pipe6
sprite 152 mdzoff 700000 // tile0995 pipe6
sprite 152 roll 1 // tile0995 pipe6
sprite 151 angoff 512 // tile0996 pipe4
sprite 151 mdzoff 700000 // tile0996 pipe4
sprite 151 roll 1 // tile0996 pipe4
sprite 150 angoff 512 // tile4496 broom
sprite 150 mdzoff 250000 // tile4496 broom
sprite 150 pitch -1 // tile4496 broom
sprite 149 mdzoff 250000 // tile4496 broom
sprite 149 pitch -1 // tile4496 broom
sprite 0 angoff 512 // tile4370 desklamp
sprite 22 angoff 1024 // tile4372 coffeemachine
sprite 14 angoff 64 // tile0694 pot1
sprite 13 angoff -128 // tile0695 pot2
sprite 122 angoff 512 // tile4370 desklamp
sprite 124 angoff 512 // tile4372 coffeemachine
sprite 141 angoff -128 // tile0694 pot1
sprite 140 angoff 384 // tile0695 pot2
sprite 24 angoff 512 // tile4370 desklamp
sprite 47 angoff 1024 // tile4370 desklamp
sprite 39 angoff 512 // tile0694 pot1
sprite 40 angoff -512 // tile0695 pot2
sprite 2492 angoff -512 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 2492 mdzoff 1200000 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 2492 pitch -1 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 97 angoff 512 // tile4370 desklamp
sprite 2491 angoff -512 // tile0054 shield
sprite 99 angoff 1024 // tile4370 desklamp
sprite 117 angoff 256 // tile0694 pot1
sprite 116 angoff 128 // tile0695 pot2
sprite 49 angoff 512 // tile4370 desklamp
sprite 2498 angoff 1024 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 52 angoff 640 // tile4372 coffeemachine
sprite 67 angoff -256 // tile0694 pot1
sprite 68 angoff 256 // tile0695 pot2
sprite 2502 angoff -256 // tile3450 fem9 cheerleader
sprite 73 angoff 512 // tile4370 desklamp
sprite 76 angoff 1024 // tile4372 coffeemachine
sprite 91 angoff 128 // tile0694 pot1
sprite 92 angoff -512 // tile0695 pot2
sprite 1512 angoff -512 // tile0916 fireext
sprite 252 angoff 512 // tile0995 pipe6
sprite 252 mdzoff 700000 // tile0995 pipe6
sprite 252 roll 1 // tile0995 pipe6
sprite 253 angoff 512 // tile0996 pipe4
sprite 253 mdzoff 700000 // tile0996 pipe4
sprite 253 roll 1 // tile0996 pipe4
sprite 254 angoff 512 // tile4496 broom
sprite 254 mdzoff 250000 // tile4496 broom
sprite 254 pitch -1 // tile4496 broom
sprite 255 mdzoff 250000 // tile4496 broom
sprite 255 pitch -1 // tile4496 broom
sprite 2509 mdzoff 300000 // tile0023 rpgsprite
sprite 2509 roll 1 // tile0023 rpgsprite
sprite 2507 angoff -512 // tile0053 firstaid
sprite 2507 mdzoff 500000 // tile0053 firstaid
sprite 2507 pitch -1 // tile0053 firstaid
sprite 2507 roll 2 // tile0053 firstaid
sprite 154 angoff 512 // tile4370 desklamp
sprite 157 angoff -896 // tile4372 coffeemachine
sprite 171 angoff 256 // tile0694 pot1
sprite 172 angoff 384 // tile0695 pot2
sprite 226 angoff 512 // tile4370 desklamp
sprite 229 angoff 896 // tile4372 coffeemachine
sprite 244 angoff -128 // tile0694 pot1
sprite 245 angoff -384 // tile0695 pot2
sprite 201 angoff 512 // tile4370 desklamp
sprite 203 angoff 768 // tile4372 coffeemachine
sprite 220 angoff 512 // tile0694 pot1
sprite 219 angoff 256 // tile0695 pot2
sprite 2515 angoff -512 // tile0022 chaingunsprite
sprite 2515 mdzoff 700000 // tile0022 chaingunsprite
sprite 2515 pitch 1 // tile0022 chaingunsprite
sprite 2515 roll 1 // tile0022 chaingunsprite
sprite 2514 angoff -512 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 2514 mdzoff 700000 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 2514 roll 1 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 2513 angoff -512 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 2513 mdzoff 700000 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 2513 roll 1 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 177 angoff 512 // tile4370 desklamp
sprite 179 angoff 512 // tile4372 coffeemachine
sprite 196 angoff -64 // tile0694 pot1
sprite 195 angoff -512 // tile0695 pot2
sprite 2162 angoff 0 // tile0166 techswitch [Level 3 access]
sprite 1513 angoff -512 // tile0916 fireext
sprite 322 mdzoff 500000 // tile4367 hatrack
sprite 322 pitch -1 // tile4367 hatrack
sprite 319 angoff -512 // tile0569 toilet
sprite 329 mdzoff 200000 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 329 pitch -1 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 330 angoff 512 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 330 mdzoff 200000 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 330 pitch -1 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 331 angoff 1024 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 331 mdzoff 200000 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 331 pitch -1 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 328 angoff -512 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 328 mdzoff 200000 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 328 pitch -1 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 336 angoff -896 // tile4372 coffeemachine
sprite 1529 angoff -512 // tile0916 fireext
// lv3 wave
sprite 1564 mdzoff 300000 // tile1062 rubbercan
sprite 1564 pitch 1 // tile1062 rubbercan
sprite 2531 angoff -896 // tile3450 fem9 cheerleader
sprite 2560 angoff 256 // tile0561 (soap)
sprite 2562 angoff 640 // tile0561 (soap)
sprite 2563 angoff -768 // tile0561 (soap)
sprite 2539 angoff 256 // tile0056 airtank
sprite 2555 angoff 1024 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 2556 angoff -896 // tile0561 (soap)
sprite 2558 angoff -768 // tile0561 (soap)
sprite 2559 angoff 640 // tile0561 (soap)
sprite 703 angoff 1024 // tile0569 toilet
sprite 704 angoff 1024 // tile0569 toilet
sprite 705 angoff 1024 // tile0569 toilet
sprite 1566 mdzoff 150000 // tile1062 rubbercan
sprite 1566 roll 2 // tile1062 rubbercan
sprite 725 angoff 1024 // tile0569 toilet
sprite 726 angoff 1024 // tile0569 toilet
sprite 727 angoff 1024 // tile0569 toilet
sprite 741 angoff 896 // tile4400 teddybear
sprite 741 mdxoff 30000 // tile4400 teddybear
sprite 741 pitch -1 // tile4400 teddybear
sprite 740 angoff 640 // tile4400 teddybear
sprite 740 mdxoff 15000 // tile4400 teddybear
sprite 740 mdzoff 900000 // tile4400 teddybear
sprite 740 pitch 1 // tile4400 teddybear
sprite 740 roll 2 // tile4400 teddybear
sprite 739 roll -512 // tile4400 teddybear
sprite 736 angoff -448 // tile0680 chair3
sprite 2568 angoff -768 // tile0052 sixpack
// lv3 (lv1 zoll)
sprite 2610 angoff -512 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 946 angoff 256 // tile0669 vacuum
sprite 944 angoff -768 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 938 angoff -96 // tile4372 coffeemachine
sprite 938 mdzoff 100000 // tile4372 coffeemachine
sprite 938 pitch -1 // tile4372 coffeemachine
sprite 938 roll -1 // tile4372 coffeemachine
sprite 939 angoff -96 // tile4372 coffeemachine
sprite 939 mdzoff 90000 // tile4372 coffeemachine
sprite 939 pitch -3 // tile4372 coffeemachine
sprite 939 roll -1 // tile4372 coffeemachine
sprite 3251 angoff 0 // tile0166 techswitch [Level 4 access]
// lv4 cinema
sprite 554 mdzoff 500000 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 554 pitch -1 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 555 mdzoff 500000 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 555 pitch -1 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 1468 mdzoff 300000 // tile1062 rubbercan
sprite 1468 pitch 1 // tile1062 rubbercan
sprite 1468 roll -1 // tile1062 rubbercan
sprite 3002 angoff -512 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 3002 mdzoff 500000 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 3002 pitch -1 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 3002 roll 1 // tile0049 shotgunammo
// lv4 X
sprite 3194 mdzoff 900000 // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite 3194 roll -1 // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite 3191 angoff -512 // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite 3191 mdzoff 900000 // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite 3191 pitch 1 // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite 3199 angoff -512 // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite 3199 mdzoff 900000 // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite 3199 pitch 1 // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite 3196 mdzoff 450000 // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite 3196 roll -2 // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite 3181 mdzoff 500000 // tile4581 canwithsomething3
sprite 3181 pitch 1 // tile4581 canwithsomething3
sprite 3181 roll -1 // tile4581 canwithsomething3
sprite 2655 angoff 1024 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 2655 mdzoff 600000 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 2655 pitch -1 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 2655 roll 1 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 2654 mdzoff 250000 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 2654 pitch -2 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 2654 roll -1 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 2653 mdzoff 125000 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 2653 pitch -4 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 2653 roll 6 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 2651 angoff 512 // tile0021 firstgunsprite
sprite 2651 mdzoff 100000 // tile0021 firstgunsprite
sprite 2651 pitch -2 // tile0021 firstgunsprite
sprite 2651 roll 1 // tile0021 firstgunsprite
sprite 2652 mdzoff 1200000 // tile0024 freezesprite
sprite 2652 roll 1 // tile0024 freezesprite
sprite 2650 mdzoff 200000 // tile0024 freezesprite
sprite 2650 pitch -2 // tile0024 freezesprite
sprite 2650 roll -4 // tile0024 freezesprite
sprite 2649 mdzoff 250000 // tile0042 devistatorammo
sprite 2649 pitch 2 // tile0042 devistatorammo
sprite 2649 roll 3 // tile0042 devistatorammo
sprite 2648 mdzoff 250000 // tile0042 devistatorammo
sprite 2648 pitch 2 // tile0042 devistatorammo
sprite 2648 roll 7 // tile0042 devistatorammo
sprite 2645 mdzoff 200000 // tile0053 firstaid
sprite 2645 pitch -2 // tile0053 firstaid
sprite 2645 roll -5 // tile0053 firstaid
sprite 2646 mdzoff 100000 // tile0100 atomichealth
sprite 2646 pitch 4 // tile0100 atomichealth
sprite 2646 roll 9 // tile0100 atomichealth
sprite 2647 mdzoff 100000 // tile0100 atomichealth
sprite 2647 pitch 4 // tile0100 atomichealth
sprite 2647 roll 3 // tile0100 atomichealth
sprite 3186 mdxoff 170000 // tile4591 dolphin1
sprite 3186 pitch 1 // tile4591 dolphin1
sprite 3190 angoff 1024 // tile4372 coffeemachine
sprite 3425 angoff -896 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 3423 angoff 1024 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 3422 angoff 1024 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 3424 angoff 896 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 1003 mdzoff 950000 // tile4496 broom
sprite 1003 pitch 1 // tile4496 broom
// lv4 bar
sprite 3153 mdxoff 10000 // tile1234 (tile1233 money)
sprite 3153 pitch -1 // tile1234 (tile1233 money)
sprite 3154 angoff -384 // tile1234 (tile1233 money)
sprite 3154 mdxoff 10000 // tile1234 (tile1233 money)
sprite 3154 pitch -1 // tile1234 (tile1233 money)
sprite 3151 angoff 512 // tile0058 (spacesuit)
sprite 3152 angoff 512 // tile0058 (spacesuit)
sprite 3147 angoff 512 // tile0058 (spacesuit)
sprite 3148 angoff 512 // tile0058 (spacesuit)
sprite 3149 angoff 512 // tile0058 (spacesuit)
sprite 3150 angoff 512 // tile0058 (spacesuit)
sprite 3146 mdzoff 200000 // tile1062 rubbercan
sprite 3146 pitch -1 // tile1062 rubbercan
sprite 3146 roll -1 // tile1062 rubbercan
sprite 1757 mdzoff 300000 // tile1062 rubbercan
sprite 1757 pitch 1 // tile1062 rubbercan
// lv4 boom ! (bowling)
sprite 3158 angoff 1024 // tile1162 bottle15
sprite 3159 angoff -256 // tile1164 bottle17
sprite 3161 angoff -384 // tile1164 bottle17
sprite 3162 angoff -640 // tile1164 bottle17
sprite 3164 angoff -768 // tile1164 bottle17
sprite 3163 angoff -768 // tile1162 bottle15
sprite 3165 angoff -512 // tile1162 bottle15
sprite 1734 mdxoff 10000 // tile1234 (tile1233 money)
sprite 1734 pitch -1 // tile1234 (tile1233 money)
sprite 1735 angoff 896 // tile1234 (tile1233 money)
sprite 1735 mdxoff 10000 // tile1234 (tile1233 money)
sprite 1735 pitch -1 // tile1234 (tile1233 money)
sprite 1736 angoff -384 // tile1234 (tile1233 money)
sprite 1736 mdxoff 5000 // tile1234 (tile1233 money)
sprite 1736 pitch -2 // tile1234 (tile1233 money)
sprite 1746 notmd // tile1356 (terminator)
sprite 1747 notmd // tile1348 (tile1348 holoduke)
sprite 2678 angoff -256 // tile0047 hbombammo
sprite 2164 angoff 0 // tile0166 techswitch [Level 5 access]
// lv5 (bowling)
sprite 1797 angoff 1024 // tile1161 bottle14
sprite 1795 angoff 768 // tile1161 bottle14
sprite 1794 angoff 512 // tile1162 bottle15
sprite 1793 angoff 512 // tile1163 bottle16
sprite 1792 angoff 512 // tile1166 bottle19
sprite 1789 angoff 512 // tile1165 bottle18
sprite 1788 angoff -512 // tile1160 bottle13
sprite 1786 angoff 512 // tile1164 bottle17
sprite 1784 angoff -256 // tile1160 bottle13
sprite 1782 angoff 256 // tile1160 bottle13
sprite 1780 angoff 1024 // tile1160 bottle13
sprite 1779 angoff 512 // tile1164 bottle17
sprite 1778 angoff 768 // tile1164 bottle17
sprite 1773 angoff 768 // tile1160 bottle13
// lv?
sprite 1817 angoff 512 // tile0996 pipe4
sprite 1817 mdzoff 350000 // tile0996 pipe4
sprite 1817 roll 2 // tile0996 pipe4
sprite 1819 angoff -512 // tile0996 pipe4
sprite 1819 mdzoff 550000 // tile0996 pipe4
sprite 1819 roll -1 // tile0996 pipe4
sprite 1820 angoff 512 // tile0995 pipe6
sprite 1820 mdzoff 550000 // tile0995 pipe6
sprite 1820 roll 1 // tile0995 pipe6
sprite 1828 mdxoff 95000 // tile1491 (tile1405 duke)
sprite 1828 pitch -1 // tile1491 (tile1405 duke)
sprite 1829 angoff -320 // tile1491 (tile1405 duke)
sprite 1829 mdxoff 100000 // tile1491 (tile1405 duke)
sprite 1829 pitch -1 // tile1491 (tile1405 duke)
sprite 1827 angoff -256 // tile1491 (tile1405 duke)
sprite 1827 mdxoff 95000 // tile1491 (tile1405 duke)
sprite 1827 pitch -2 // tile1491 (tile1405 duke)
sprite 1823 angoff 512 // tile0996 pipe4
sprite 1823 mdzoff 650000 // tile0996 pipe4
sprite 1823 roll 1 // tile0996 pipe4
sprite 1822 angoff -512 // tile0996 pipe4
sprite 1822 mdzoff 550000 // tile0996 pipe4
sprite 1822 roll -1 // tile0996 pipe4
// lv5 wave
sprite 2169 angoff 0 // tile0166 techswitch [Level 6 access]
// lv5 gate 2
sprite 844 mdzoff 500000 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 844 pitch -1 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 845 mdzoff 800000 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 845 pitch -1 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 847 angoff 512 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 846 angoff -768 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 848 angoff 512 // tile4372 coffeemachine
// lv5 gate 3
sprite 889 mdzoff 500000 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 889 pitch -1 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 888 mdzoff 800000 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 888 pitch -1 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 886 angoff 512 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 887 angoff -768 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 893 angoff 512 // tile4372 coffeemachine
// lv6 ug2
sprite 990 angoff -512 // tile4413 mailbag
sprite 2709 angoff 0 // tile0166 techswitch [Level 7 access]
// lv7
sprite 2805 angoff 0 // tile0060 accesscard red
// lv6 hotel klein
sprite 951 angoff 512 // tile4496 broom
sprite 951 mdzoff 400000 // tile4496 broom
sprite 951 pitch 1 // tile4496 broom
sprite 2804 angoff 0 // tile0060 accesscard blue
// lv7 hotel klein
sprite 307 mdzoff 500000 // tile4367 hatrack
sprite 307 pitch -1 // tile4367 hatrack
sprite 286 angoff -512 // tile0569 toilet
sprite 295 mdzoff 200000 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 295 pitch -1 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 294 angoff 512 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 294 mdzoff 200000 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 294 pitch -1 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 293 angoff 1024 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 293 mdzoff 200000 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 293 pitch -1 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 296 angoff -512 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 296 mdzoff 200000 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 296 pitch -1 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 304 angoff -896 // tile4372 coffeemachine
sprite 1549 mdzoff 400000 // tile1062 rubbercan
sprite 1549 pitch 1 // tile1062 rubbercan
sprite 1549 roll -1 // tile1062 rubbercan
sprite 2171 angoff 0 // tile0166 techswitch [Level 8 access]
// lv7 dr stefan frank
sprite 2285 mdzoff 300000 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 2285 pitch -1 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 2290 angoff -896 // tile4372 coffeemachine
sprite 2326 angoff -512 // tile0689 ivunit
sprite 2323 angoff 256 // tile0689 ivunit
sprite 2325 angoff 512 // tile0689 ivunit
sprite 2321 angoff 768 // tile0689 ivunit
sprite 2321 mdzoff 900000 // tile0689 ivunit
sprite 2321 roll 1 // tile0689 ivunit
sprite 2320 angoff 512 // tile0689 ivunit
sprite 2320 mdzoff 500000 // tile0689 ivunit
sprite 2320 roll 1 // tile0689 ivunit
sprite 2319 angoff 256 // tile0689 ivunit
sprite 2319 mdzoff 400000 // tile0689 ivunit
sprite 2319 roll 2 // tile0689 ivunit
sprite 2310 angoff 512 // tile0689 ivunit
sprite 2587 angoff -512 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 2587 mdzoff 1200000 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 2587 roll 1 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 2588 mdzoff 1200000 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 2588 pitch 1 // tile0044 rpgammo
// lv5 (lv3 wave)
sprite 656 mdzoff 500000 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 656 pitch -1 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 657 angoff -768 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 657 mdzoff 500000 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 657 pitch 1 // tile0556 chair1
// lv5 ost
sprite 1583 mdzoff 400000 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 1583 pitch -1 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 1581 mdzoff 300000 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 1581 pitch -2 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 1061 angoff 512 // tile4473 (J.Dredd)
sprite 1582 mdzoff 500000 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 1582 pitch -1 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 1585 angoff 192 // tile1491 (tile1405 duke)
sprite 1585 mdxoff -80000 // tile1491 (tile1405 duke)
sprite 1585 pitch 1 // tile1491 (tile1405 duke)
sprite 1035 angoff 768 // tile4377 policelightpole
sprite 1034 angoff 256 // tile4377 policelightpole
// lv?
sprite 3369 angoff -768 // tile0904 woodenhorse
sprite 3369 mdzoff 150000 // tile0904 woodenhorse
sprite 3369 pitch 2 // tile0904 woodenhorse
sprite 3369 roll -1 // tile0904 woodenhorse
sprite 3366 angoff -512 // tile0904 woodenhorse
sprite 3366 mdzoff 100000 // tile0904 woodenhorse
sprite 3366 pitch 1 // tile0904 woodenhorse
sprite 3368 angoff -512 // tile0904 woodenhorse
sprite 3368 mdzoff 100000 // tile0904 woodenhorse
sprite 3368 pitch 1 // tile0904 woodenhorse
sprite 3367 angoff -512 // tile0904 woodenhorse
sprite 3367 mdzoff 100000 // tile0904 woodenhorse
sprite 3367 pitch 1 // tile0904 woodenhorse
sprite 3365 angoff -256 // tile0904 woodenhorse
sprite 3365 mdzoff 150000 // tile0904 woodenhorse
sprite 3365 pitch 2 // tile0904 woodenhorse
sprite 3365 roll 1 // tile0904 woodenhorse
sprite 3431 angoff -512 // tile0061 boots
sprite 3324 notmd // tile0606 (dead astronaut)
sprite 3323 notmd // tile0606 (dead astronaut)
sprite 3341 notmd // tile0606 (dead astronaut)
sprite 3349 notmd // tile0606 (dead astronaut)
sprite 3354 angoff 1024 // tile0060 accesscard yellow
// lv8 tower
sprite 3219 angoff 1024 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 3220 angoff -896 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 2975 mdzoff -2000 // tile0551 domelite
sprite 2975 pitch -512 // tile0551 domelite
sprite 2994 mdzoff -1800 // tile0551 domelite
sprite 2994 pitch -512 // tile0551 domelite
sprite 2995 mdzoff -1800 // tile0551 domelite
sprite 2995 pitch -512 // tile0551 domelite
sprite 1090 angoff 1090 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 1091 angoff 1090 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 1092 angoff -512 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 1093 angoff -512 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 1094 angoff -512 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 1097 angoff 512 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 1098 angoff 512 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 1099 angoff -512 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 1100 angoff -512 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 1102 angoff 512 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 1103 angoff 512 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 1104 angoff 512 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 1105 angoff 512 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 1106 angoff 1024 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 2177 angoff 0 // tile0166 techswitch [Level 9 access]
sprite 2796 mdzoff 900000 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 2796 roll -1 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 2795 mdzoff 900000 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 2795 roll -1 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 2794 mdzoff 450000 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 2794 roll -2 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 2793 mdzoff 400000 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 2793 roll -1 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 2791 mdzoff 200000 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 2791 roll 2 // tile0041 batteryammo
sprite 2788 angoff 1024 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 2787 angoff 1024 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 2790 angoff 1024 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 2789 angoff 1024 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 2786 angoff 1024 // tile0054 shield
sprite 2785 angoff 1024 // tile0053 firstaid
// lv9 gate 1
sprite 803 mdzoff 500000 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 803 pitch -1 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 802 mdzoff 800000 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 802 pitch -1 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 797 angoff 512 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 798 angoff -768 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 801 angoff 512 // tile4372 coffeemachine
sprite 2179 angoff 0 // tile0166 techswitch [Level M access]
// lv9 outside
sprite 3255 angoff 768 // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite 2238 angoff 0 // tile0166 techswitch [Level M access]
// lvM airfield
sprite 1833 angoff -512 // tile1337 (helicopter)
sprite 1833 mdzoff 2000000 // tile1337 (helicopter)
sprite 1833 roll 1 // tile1337 (helicopter)
sprite 3268 angoff 256 // tile0680 chair3
sprite 3313 angoff 512 // tile0694 pot1
sprite 3260 mdzoff 350000 // tile1025 bottle7 (plant)
sprite 3260 roll 1 // tile1025 bottle7 (plant)
sprite 3301 angoff 512 // tile1160 bottle13
sprite 3302 angoff -512 // tile1162 bottle15
sprite 3303 angoff -768 // tile1166 bottle19