Rev 702 | Rev 726 | Go to most recent revision | Blame | Compare with Previous | Last modification | View Log | RSS feed
// Maphacks by LeoD for use with the Duke Nukem 3D High Resolution Pack (HRP)
// Title : Xenium
// Author : Frode 'Puritan' Waksvik
// Filename : VERMIN02.MAP
// mapmd4 : 5de128502309700bb5f948f977e6c4b2 // 2013-06-07 (Addon Pack)
// mapmd4 : c134fcfb2b6d2e9425d8b89caf55f937 // 2015-11-16 (Addon Pack)
// <-> XENIUM.mhk
// <-> XENIUM-V1L2-E4L2.mhk
// Curr. HRP: r5.4.680
sprite 1252 angoff -512 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 158 angoff -512 // tile0021 firstgunsprite
sprite 1504 angoff -768 // tile0061 boots
sprite 759 angoff 640 // tile0026 heavyhbomb
sprite 762 mdzoff 400000 // tile0913 maskwall2 (fence)
sprite 762 pitch 1 // tile0913 maskwall2 (fence)
sprite 763 mdzoff 500000 // tile0913 maskwall2 (fence)
sprite 763 pitch 1 // tile0913 maskwall2 (fence)
sprite 634 angoff 512 // tile0040 ammo
sprite 633 angoff 512 // tile0040 ammo
sprite 635 angoff 512 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 810 mdzoff 700000 // tile0990 tire
sprite 810 roll 1 // tile0990 tire
sprite 811 angoff 512 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 150 angoff 1024 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 150 mdzoff 100000 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 150 pitch 1 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 151 angoff 1024 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 151 mdzoff 100000 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 151 pitch 1 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 152 angoff 1024 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 152 mdzoff 100000 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 152 pitch 1 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 156 mdzoff 100000 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 156 pitch 1 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 155 mdzoff 100000 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 155 pitch 1 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 154 mdzoff 100000 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 154 pitch 1 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 1609 angoff -512 // tile0028 shotgunsprite
sprite 1608 angoff 0 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 247 notmd // tile1069 plug
sprite 678 angoff 512 // tile0060 accesscard blue
sprite 677 away2 // tile0915 maskwall4 (gate)
sprite 13 notmd // tile0132 slotdoor
sprite 1559 mdzoff 50000 // tile1048 (pipes)
sprite 1559 pitch -1 // tile1048 (pipes)
sprite 671 angoff -512 // tile0054 shield
sprite 670 angoff -512 // tile0055 steroids
sprite 672 angoff -512 // tile0053 firstaid
sprite 1544 angoff -512 // tile0916 fireext
sprite 1624 angoff 512 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 838 angoff 512 // tile0569 toilet
sprite 1621 angoff -512 // tile0994 pipe5
sprite 241 notmd // tile1069 plug
sprite 1623 angoff 1024 // tile0994 pipe5
sprite 840 mdzoff 250000 // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet))
sprite 840 pitch 1 // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet))
sprite 842 angoff -896 // tile0561 (soap)
sprite 894 notmd // tile4449 (roger moore)
sprite 1545 angoff -256 // tile0916 fireext
sprite 11 angoff -256 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 1523 notmd // tile1069 plug
sprite 1519 angoff 512 // tile4370 desklamp
sprite 1519 mdzoff 200000 // tile4370 desklamp
sprite 1519 roll 1 // tile4370 desklamp
sprite 1520 angoff -512 // tile4370 desklamp
sprite 1520 mdzoff 200000 // tile4370 desklamp
sprite 1520 roll 1 // tile4370 desklamp
sprite 892 angoff 128 // tile1060 clock
sprite 1253 angoff 1024 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 687 angoff -512 // tile0060 accesscard yellow
sprite 1518 angoff -512 // tile0047 hbombammo
sprite 1273 angoff 768 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 1273 mdzoff 900000 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 1273 pitch -1 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 728 angoff 768 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 729 angoff 896 // tile0023 rpgsprite
sprite 10 angoff 1024 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 1546 angoff 1024 // tile0916 fireext
sprite 1254 angoff -256 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 1486 angoff 256 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 1485 angoff -512 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 8 angoff -384 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 1619 angoff -768 // tile0994 pipe5
sprite 1618 angoff 256 // tile0994 pipe5
sprite 1617 angoff -768 // tile0994 pipe5
sprite 1547 angoff -512 // tile0916 fireext
sprite 650 mdzoff 200000 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 650 pitch -1 // tile0556 chair1
sprite 649 angoff 512 // tile4370 desklamp
sprite 1635 angoff -512 // tile4454 deskphone
sprite 1256 angoff 256 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 988 away1 // tile0989 (direction sign)
sprite 985 away1 // tile0817 (st)
sprite 986 away1 // tile0818 (op)
sprite 987 away1 // tile0989 (direction sign)
sprite 1548 angoff -512 // tile0916 fireext
sprite 1009 angoff 256 // tile4580 canwithsomething2
sprite 1011 angoff -384 // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite 1013 angoff -384 // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite 998 angoff 512 // tile4581 canwithsomething3
sprite 1005 angoff 768 // tile4580 canwithsomething2
sprite 1007 angoff 768 // tile4580 canwithsomething2
sprite 1258 angoff -512 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 1258 mdzoff 1200000 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 1258 pitch -1 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 1257 angoff 1024 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 1257 mdzoff 1200000 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 1257 pitch -1 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 1550 angoff 1024 // tile0916 fireext
sprite 937 angoff -512 // tile0996 pipe4
sprite 937 mdxoff 35000 // tile0996 pipe4
sprite 937 pitch -1 // tile0996 pipe4
sprite 626 angoff 512 // tile0996 pipe4
sprite 626 mdxoff 35000 // tile0996 pipe4
sprite 626 pitch -1 // tile0996 pipe4
sprite 1014 angoff -384 // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite 1481 mdzoff 500000 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 1481 roll -1 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 1480 angoff -512 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 1255 angoff -512 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 1259 angoff 256 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 522 angoff 768 // tile1162 bottle15
sprite 528 angoff -512 // tile1160 bottle13
sprite 527 angoff 1024 // tile1160 bottle13
sprite 526 angoff 1024 // tile1160 bottle13
sprite 530 angoff -896 // tile4372 coffeemachine
sprite 1271 angoff 256 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 1272 angoff 256 // tile0053 firstaid
sprite 1479 angoff -896 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 538 angoff -256 // tile4438 coffeemug
sprite 1634 angoff -576 // tile4454 deskphone
sprite 532 angoff -896 // tile0557 chair2
sprite 545 angoff 512 // tile4370 desklamp
sprite 540 angoff -512 // tile4438 coffeemug
sprite 544 angoff 256 // tile4370 desklamp
sprite 539 angoff -768 // tile4438 coffeemug
sprite 534 angoff 384 // tile0557 chair2
sprite 1054 angoff 1024 // tile0060 accesscard red
sprite 1457 angoff 256 // tile0951 box
sprite 1457 mdzoff 500000 // tile0951 box
sprite 1457 pitch 1 // tile0951 box
sprite 1457 roll -1 // tile0951 box
sprite 1019 angoff -640 // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite 1019 mdzoff 900000 // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite 1019 roll -1 // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite 1018 angoff -768 // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite 1017 angoff -512 // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite 1020 angoff 640 // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite 1021 angoff 768 // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite 1549 angoff 512 // tile0916 fireext
sprite 1016 angoff -768 // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite 1016 mdzoff 600000 // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite 1016 pitch -1 // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite 1015 angoff 1024 // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite 1015 mdzoff 600000 // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite 1015 pitch 1 // tile4582 canwithsomething4
sprite 1260 angoff -896 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 1533 angoff -896 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 1261 angoff 1024 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 1261 mdzoff 1200000 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 1261 pitch -1 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 1474 angoff -512 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 1532 angoff 512 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 1262 angoff -512 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 1530 angoff -640 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 1531 mdxoff 60 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 1531 pitch -384 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 1476 angoff 768 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 1476 mdxoff 60 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 1476 pitch -384 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 1528 angoff -512 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 1529 angoff 896 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 1525 angoff -640 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 1516 angoff 768 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 1526 angoff 896 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 1263 angoff 256 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 176 mdzoff 50000 // tile1048 (pipes)
sprite 176 pitch -1 // tile1048 (pipes)
sprite 265 angoff -512 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 1321 angoff 512 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 1321 mdzoff 300000 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 1321 pitch -1 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 1321 roll -2 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 321 angoff -512 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 320 angoff -512 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 319 angoff -512 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 1580 away1 // tile0499 viewscreen2
sprite 261 angoff 1024 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 260 angoff 1024 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 266 angoff 256 // tile0053 firstaid
sprite 1157 angoff -512 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 1153 angoff 896 // tile0557 chair2
sprite 262 angoff 256 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 355 angoff 512 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 354 angoff 512 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 353 angoff 512 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 352 angoff 512 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 1348 angoff 384 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 1427 angoff -768 // tile0951 box
sprite 1427 mdzoff 500000 // tile0951 box
sprite 1427 pitch 1 // tile0951 box
sprite 1349 angoff -256 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 206 angoff 1024 // tile1078 (streetlight broken)
sprite 1460 mdzoff 300000 // tile0951 box
sprite 1460 pitch -3 // tile0951 box
sprite 1460 roll 1 // tile0951 box
sprite 385 angoff 1024 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 384 angoff 1024 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 383 angoff 1024 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 382 angoff 1024 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 381 angoff 1024 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 1637 mdzoff 10000 // tile0913 maskwall2 (fence)
sprite 1637 pitch 1 // tile0913 maskwall2 (fence)
sprite 130 mdzoff 10000 // tile0913 maskwall2 (fence)
sprite 130 pitch 1 // tile0913 maskwall2 (fence)
sprite 1355 angoff 128 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 1353 angoff 1024 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 371 mdzoff 1000 // tile0977 genericpole
sprite 371 pitch 1 // tile0977 genericpole
sprite 263 angoff -768 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 1466 angoff -384 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 1465 angoff 896 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 1357 angoff -128 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 1444 angoff 256 // tile0951 box
sprite 1444 mdzoff 700000 // tile0951 box
sprite 1444 pitch 2 // tile0951 box
sprite 1444 roll 1 // tile0951 box
sprite 1356 angoff 128 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 1462 mdzoff 500000 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 1462 roll -1 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 264 angoff -256 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 1443 mdzoff 500000 // tile0951 box
sprite 1443 pitch 1 // tile0951 box
sprite 349 notmd // tile0132 slotdoor
sprite 1630 notmd // tile0132 slotdoor
sprite 1361 angoff -768 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 205 angoff 512 // tile1061 (streetlight)
sprite 1463 angoff 1024 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 1464 angoff -128 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 380 angoff -512 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 379 angoff -512 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 220 away1 // tile0934 (smp graffiti)
sprite 125 angoff 512 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 125 mdzoff 600000 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 125 pitch -1 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 124 angoff 1024 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 1467 mdzoff 500000 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 1467 roll -1 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 378 angoff -512 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 1469 angoff 256 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 1470 angoff -512 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 1470 mdzoff 500000 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 1470 roll -1 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 1555 angoff -512 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 1556 angoff -512 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 317 away1 // tile4303 (wooden door)
sprite 1560 notmd // tile0679 (battlelord holo)
sprite 1560 away1 // tile0679 (battlelord holo)
sprite 318 away1 // tile4303 (wooden door)
sprite 1557 angoff -672 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 1558 angoff 352 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 1558 mdzoff 200000 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 1558 pitch 1 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 377 angoff -512 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 376 angoff -512 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 373 angoff 512 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 374 angoff 512 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 375 angoff 512 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 1363 angoff 768 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 90 away1 // tile0198 (glass pane)
sprite 88 away1 // tile0198 (glass pane)
sprite 89 away1 // tile0198 (glass pane)
sprite 87 away1 // tile0198 (glass pane)
sprite 85 away1 // tile0198 (glass pane)
sprite 86 away1 // tile0198 (glass pane)
sprite 1665 notmd // tile0140 frankenstineswitch
sprite 1698 angoff 768 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 1664 notmd // tile0140 frankenstineswitch
sprite 1689 angoff 512 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 1688 angoff -128 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 1692 angoff 512 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 1692 mdzoff 400000 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 1692 roll 1 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 1693 angoff -128 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 1694 angoff -640 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 1663 notmd // tile0140 frankenstineswitch
sprite 1697 angoff -768 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 1662 notmd // tile0140 frankenstineswitch
sprite 1669 angoff 1024 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 1669 mdzoff 100000 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 1669 pitch -1 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 1670 angoff 1024 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 1670 mdzoff 100000 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 1670 pitch -1 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 1671 angoff 1024 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 1671 mdzoff 100000 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 1671 pitch -1 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 84 away1 // tile0198 (glass pane)
sprite 83 away1 // tile0198 (glass pane)
sprite 1672 angoff 1024 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 1672 mdzoff 100000 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 1672 pitch -1 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 1673 angoff 1024 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 1673 mdzoff 100000 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 1673 pitch -1 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 1674 angoff 1024 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 1674 mdzoff 100000 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 1674 pitch -1 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 1675 angoff 1024 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 1675 mdzoff 100000 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 1675 pitch -1 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 81 away1 // tile0198 (glass pane)
sprite 82 away1 // tile0198 (glass pane)
sprite 80 away1 // tile0198 (glass pane)
sprite 78 away1 // tile0198 (glass pane)
sprite 79 away1 // tile0198 (glass pane)
sprite 1676 angoff 1024 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 1676 mdzoff 100000 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 1676 pitch -1 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 1677 angoff 1024 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 1677 mdzoff 100000 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 1677 pitch -1 // tile0999 (tile0998 (parkometer))
sprite 76 away1 // tile0198 (glass pane)
sprite 77 away1 // tile0198 (glass pane)
sprite 75 away1 // tile0198 (glass pane)
sprite 74 away1 // tile0198 (glass pane)
// mhk diff sync 1
sprite 1364 angoff -640 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 73 away1 // tile0198 (glass pane)
sprite 72 away1 // tile0198 (glass pane)
sprite 71 away1 // tile0198 (glass pane)
sprite 70 away1 // tile0198 (glass pane)
sprite 69 away1 // tile0198 (glass pane)
sprite 68 away1 // tile0198 (glass pane)
sprite 1358 angoff 896 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 1359 angoff -384 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 1447 angoff 768 // tile0951 box
sprite 1447 mdzoff 800000 // tile0951 box
sprite 1447 pitch 1 // tile0951 box
sprite 165 mdzoff 180000 // tile0914 maskwall3 (fence)
sprite 165 pitch 1 // tile0914 maskwall3 (fence)
sprite 166 mdzoff 180000 // tile0914 maskwall3 (fence)
sprite 166 pitch 1 // tile0914 maskwall3 (fence)
sprite 2 angoff 512 // tile0052 sixpack
sprite 1572 angoff 512 // tile0994 pipe5
sprite 1650 angoff -128 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 1574 notmd // tile0132 slotdoor
sprite 1615 angoff 512 // tile0994 pipe5
sprite 1266 angoff 512 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 1072 angoff 512 // tile0569 toilet
sprite 1616 angoff -512 // tile0994 pipe5
sprite 1081 mdzoff 1500000 // tile1053 (toilet roll holder)
sprite 1081 roll -1 // tile1053 (toilet roll holder)
sprite 1073 angoff 1024 // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet))
sprite 1073 mdzoff 250000 // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet))
sprite 1073 pitch 1 // tile0574 (tile0670 (faucet))
sprite 1075 angoff -512 // tile1160 bottle13
sprite 1076 angoff 640 // tile0561 (soap)
sprite 398 notmd // tile0132 slotdoor
sprite 1267 angoff 768 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 1642 away1 // tile0502 viewscreen
sprite 1350 angoff -256 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 1351 angoff 384 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 1159 angoff 768 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 208 angoff 256 // tile1061 (streetlight)
sprite 1367 angoff -256 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 1366 angoff -640 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 184 angoff 1024 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 54 angoff -256 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 55 angoff -896 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 51 angoff 512 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 51 mdzoff 500000 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 51 roll -1 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 50 angoff -256 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 49 angoff 384 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 1489 mdxoff 60 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 1489 pitch -384 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 1490 angoff 896 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 1490 mdxoff 60 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 1490 pitch -384 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 1492 angoff 512 // tile0955 bottle2
sprite 419 angoff 512 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 418 angoff 512 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 417 angoff 512 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 1554 angoff -256 // tile0053 firstaid
sprite 414 angoff 1024 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 415 angoff 1024 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 416 angoff 1024 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 1370 angoff 1024 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 1268 angoff 768 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 61 notmd // tile1069 plug
sprite 1514 angoff 1024 // tile1061 (streetlight)
sprite 183 angoff 512 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 207 angoff -256 // tile1061 (streetlight)
sprite 1270 angoff 1024 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 1416 away1 // tile0953 (plastering hole)
sprite 1269 angoff 1024 // tile0049 shotgunammo
sprite 1161 angoff 512 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 1160 angoff 512 // tile0044 rpgammo
sprite 1368 angoff 384 // tile1232 canwithsomething
sprite 1553 angoff -512 // tile0916 fireext