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Q% Duke Caribbean: Life's A Beach Plus (Vaca+) Readme Q%


                 % by Hendricks266 %


This readme file is best viewed in Courier New, Regular, Any Size, in a Unicode compatible plain text editor/viewer.

Any modern web browser should also display the file correctly.

[0.0.0] Table of Contents:

[1.0.0] Installation

[2.0.0] Running Vaca+

[3.0.0] Important Info

[4.0.0] Change Log

  [4.0.n] noctrun's version

  [4.1.0] VacaHRP v1.0

  [4.1.5] VacaHRP v1.5

  [4.2.0] Vaca+ v2.0

  [4.X.0] Vaca+ Subversion Repository

[5.0.0] Individual Tile Credits

  [5.1.0] Textures, Signs, Decals

  [5.2.0] Models

  [5.3.0] Skyboxes

  [5.4.0] Music & Sounds

  [5.5.0] Voxels

  [5.6.0] Cutscenes

  [5.7.0] 8-Bit Art

  [5.8.0] Map Patching

  [5.9.0] Resources from Duke3D HRP

  [5.10.0] Other Resources

[6.0.0]  How can I help? 

[7.0.0] Credits

[8.0.0] Links

[9.0.0] Contact Info

[1.0.0] Installation:

To download, or "check out" the pack, use a Subversion (SVN) client and point it to to the Vaca+ SVN repository:

Then, run Caribbean.bat.

NW+ is compatible with the Duke3D HRP, update packs, XXX packs, music packs, and more.

See the following links for help:



To view the SVN in a web-based interface, go to:

[2.0.0] Running Vaca+:

This file was made so that you have to change absolutely *NOTHING* within your

existing HRP. All you have to do is run Caribbean.bat and all of the grunt work

will be taken care of.

[3.0.0] Important Info:

"  "Duke Caribbean: Life's a Beach Plus" is organized similarly to the main Duke3D HRP folder structure.

"  Do *NOT* use maphacks from the original HRP! These are meant for the official episodes *ONLY*!

"  I am merely collecting stuff that pops up in the forums or elsewhere; I do *NOT* claim

  to have created every single piece of art contained within this file! See the

  credits section below in order to see where the tiles came from.

[4.0.0] Change Log:

This is the timeline of when a piece of artwork or other content was added to Vaca+.

  [4.0.n] Vacation HRP (noctrun's version) - Date Unknown

  "  vaca1.mhk, vaca3.mhk, vaca5.mhk, vacasl.mhk

    · These are some very simple maphacks only doing select sprites such as the telephone switches. There are also some notes on the correct locations of sprites and the properties of walls.

  "  vacation\undef.def:

    · Undefinitions created to enable viewing of changed content if there is no HRP replacement.

  "  vacation\atomic.def:

    · This is for tiles that have a duplicate of themselves in the extra art (TILES014.ART).

  "  vacation\skyboxes\:

    · The two of the three Caribbean skyboxes (night & day) are done.  The day one was incorrectly linked to a dawn/dusk one.

  "  vacation\textures\:

    · Just one texture, 3643 (Sand).

  [4.1.0] VacaHRP v1.0 - 2008-02-22

  "  *.con:

    · All of the Vacation CON files are included.

  "  vacation\copies.def:

    · Renamed atomic.def to copies.def.

  "  vacation\screen\menu:

    · 2502-2503 (Duke Caribbean Insignia)

    · 2492 (3D Realms Screen - Vaca+ Screen)

  "  vacation\sprites\signs:

    · 3790 ("KOBAYASHI MARU")

  "  vacation\sprites\pickups:

    · 45 (Brown Voodoo Ring Ammo Pickup)

  "  vacation\textures:

    · 96 (LA Night Sky Picture)

    · 889-892 (Cleaner, Brighter Waterfall)

    · 3757 (Blue-Tinted Non-Usable Switch)

    · 3761 (Blue-Tinted Metal)

    · 3763-3764 (Blue-Tinted Alien Transporter)

    · 3768 (Blue-Tinted Grooves)

    · 3793-3794 (Red & Blue Beds)

  "  vacation\screen\props:

    · 680-684 (Folding Chair) - new skin without  Eddy Wood  on the back, all alt-pals done

  [4.1.5] VacaHRP v1.5 - 2008-12-21

  "  vacation\sprites\pickups:

    · 26 (Pineapple)

    · 27 (Tripbomb Pickup)

    · 29 (Conchonator Pickup)

    · 37-39 (Ice Cubes Pickup)

    · 45 (Brown Voodoo Ring Ammo Pickup) - replaced with new version from HRP Update Pack, new skin

    · 51 (Banana Pickup)

    · 52 (Bunch of Bananas Pickup)

    · 53 (Crate of Bananas Pickup)

    · 54 (Suntan Lotion Pickup)

    · 55 (Hot Sauce Pickup)

    · 59 (Sunglasses Pickup)

    · 60 (Credit Card Pickup)

    · 61 (Sandals Pickup)

  "  vacation\music:

    ·  Doomsday's Comin'  by Mark McWane

    · all others by Matéos

  "  vacation\sprites\signs:

    · 3639 ("Wavemistress")

    · 3668 ("Cruise Director")

    · 3669 ("Dolphin Deck")

    · 3685 ("Dance Lessons")

    · 3689 ("Elevator Control")

    · 3690 ("Island Gifts")

    · 3691 ("Hotel Registration")

    · 3692 ("Mr. Splashy's Super Happy Fun Park")

    · 3693 ("Swimming Pool")

    · 3694 ("Hot Tubs")

    · 3696 ("1 Hour Wait From This Point")

    · 3697 ("30 Min. Wait From This Point")

    · 3706 ("Mr. Splashy's")

    · 3707 ("Bridge")

    · 3762 ("Cha-Cha's Galore")

    · 3790_1 (blue "KOBAYASHI MARU")

  "  vacation\sprites\decals:

    · 952 (Water Splash)

    · 3698-3699 (Mr. Splashy)

  "  vacation\sprites\props:

    · 3686 (Wooden Jail Bars)

    · 3660-3667 (Beach Ball)

    · 3695 (Beach Bather Babe's Umbrella)

    · 3700 (Tiki God Rock Statue)

    · 3778 (Poker Chips)

  "  vacation\textures:

    · 3644 (White Sand) If you look at the original tile, it is a brightened version of #3643.  I replicated this.

    · 3687 (Colorful Bricks)

    · 3733-3735 (Wooden Planks)

    · 3769-3770 (Building Stones)

    · 3785-3786 (Boat Wood)

    · 3787 (Boat Metal)

    · 3788-3789 (More Boat Wood) With this, Duke's boat is complete!

  "  vacation\screen\menu:

    · 13 (Prototype Credits Screen)

    · 2492 (3D Realms Screen - Vaca+ Screen) edited to reflect #2502-2503.  .png instead of .jpg.  1600x1200, not 1024x768.

    · 2500 (Caribbean Credits Screen (TEN))

    · 2502-2503 (Duke Caribbean Insignia) removed because it sucked, it didn't look right, and it wasn't there to begin with.

    · 3240/3245 (End of Level Screen)

    · 3281 (Level Loading Screen)

  "  vacation\sprites\firstperson:

    · 2510-2511 (HUD Conchonator)

    · 2563 (HUD Credit Card-Holding Hand)

    · 2566 (HUD Tripbomb)

  "  vacation\sprites\effects:

    · 2595_1, 2595_3 (SHOTSPARK1 alt pals)

  "  vacation\screen\hud:

    · 2460 (Banana Crate Inventory HUD Icon)

    · 2461 (Sunglasses Inventory HUD Icon)

    · 2463 (Sandals Inventory HUD Icon)

    · 2469 (Hot Sauce Inventory HUD Icon)

    · 2471 (Credit Card HUD Icon)

  "  vacation\sounds:

    · WIND54 (Ending Cutscene Sound)

  "  Vacation.con:

    · Made the sparks that fly off of the pistol, etc. a special color depending on the type.

    · game name

    · menu tile is now beach view

    · TEN screen reenabled (Caribbean Credits)

    · the Fire Lasers that troopers shoot are now blue

  "  VacaEDuke.con:

    · Added so that modders could have an easier time creating addon-themed levels.

  "  vacation\copies.def:

    · 3645 removed (rock, not tree)

    · episode 4 compatibility texture definitions updated

  "  vacation\sprites\projectiles:

    · 1625_1 (pal 1 blue Fire Laser)

    · 1641-1643 (Ice Cube Projectile)

    · 2605-2611 (Coconut)

  "  vacation\sprites\monsters:

    · 3646-3648 (Seagull)

  "  vacation\voxels:

    · created in anticipation of upcoming features

  "  vacation\8bit:

    · created for 8-bit tile replacement because the ARTs cannot be redistributed

    · lava voodoo ring: added pickup, edited HUD - #32, #2554-2555

    · shotgun butt from Nuclear Showdown

  "  vacation\extra:

    · Created so that imperfect images are not lost to history, and so that WIPs can be distributed easily.

  [4.2.0] Vaca+ v2.0 - 2010-05-02

  "  vacation

    · all images have been losslessly optimized

    · normal maps added where applicable

    · annihiliated vanilla cutscenes and help dialogs, as they weren't relevant

  "  caribuninst.bat

    · uninstaller added at request of a user

  "  vaca_xxx.def

    · XXX mode!

    · 3670-3684 (Beach Walker Babe)

  "  vacation\8bit:

    · added 2 Pig Cop tiles to fix a bug, where if you looked at one shoot, it would disappear

    · lava voodoo ring: added projectile (2448-2451)

    · fixed a bug where banana bunches (52) were slightly in the ground

    · 2930-2965, 3002-3009, 3022 (Orange Redfont)

  "  vacation\copies:

    · checked for newer status in HRP v4 and Polymer pack

  "  vacation\screen\fonts:

    · 2929-3022 (redfont)

  "  vacation\screen\hud:

    · 2471 (Credit Card HUD Icon) alt-pals, new model

  "  vacation\screen\menu:

    · 13 (Prototype Credits Screen) correct resolution

    · 2500 (Caribbean Credits Screen (TEN)) correct resolution

    · 3240/3245 (End of Level Screen) correct resolution

    · 3281 (Level Loading Screen) correct resolution

  "  vacation\sounds:

    · WIND54 redone to match the new Duke-O OGG

  "  vacation\sprites\characters:

    · 3670-3684 (Beach Walker Babe) including XXX

  "  vacation\sprites\decals:

    · 3779-3781 (White Boxes Puzzle)

  "  vacation\sprites\effects:

    · 2329-2332 (Small Water Splash)

    · 2390 (SCRAP6 tile) This tile is used in Shark's Cove as a shark's fin.  I made a render of the shark for use.

  "  vacation\sprites\firstperson:

    · 2563 (HUD Credit Card-Holding Hand) alt-pals

  "  vacation\sprites\gibs:

    · "jibs" now has a correct spelling

  "  vacation\sprites\ice:

    · 59 (Sunglasses Pickup) used on beachwalker

    · 3585 (Inflatable Dragon)

    · 3646-3648 (Seagull)

    · 3670 (Beach Walker Babe) inlcuding XXX

  "  vacation\sprites\monsters:

    · 3585-3625 (Inflatable Dragon)

  "  vacation\sprites\pickups:

    · 26 (Pineapple) render

    · 27 (Tripbomb Pickup) render

    · 29 (Conchonator Pickup) render

    · 37-39 (Ice Cubes Pickup) render

    · 45 (Brown Voodoo Ring Ammo Pickup) render

    · 60 (Credit Card Pickup) alt-pals, new model

  "  vacation\sprites\props:

    · 680 (Folding Chair) removed; better version integrated into mainline HRP

    · 1055-1056 (Amusement Park Ride Hand Rail)

    · 1337-1338 (Helicopter)

  "  vacation\music:

    · new Roland Sound Canvas SC-55 OGGs by MusicallyInspired

  "  vacation\undef.def:

    · I discovered that the helicopter frames, used in Lost Lagoon, are different, with the shadow removed and the door closed.

    · I also found that the skybox for Lunar Apocalypse was shortened, to be used as a sprite/wall in Mr. Splashy's.

  "  VACA4.MAP

    · This map was shipped corrupted!  I fixed it, as far as I could tell.  There is one small change, but it is barely noticeable.

  "  Vacation.con:

    · eliminated rogue ambient cutscene sounds

    · destroying chairs is better

    · improved randomization of Dukisms

    · new enemies automatically resize on level load

    · incorporated Jonah Bishop's Unofficial CON Fixes

    · chairs automatically face any tables within a certain range

    · if tikigod statues are wall aligned (cstat 16), they automatically render as a texture, instead of a model

    · lava voodoo ring ammo now glows precisely like shrinker ammo

  "  VSounds.con, VacaDefs.con, VacaUser.con:

    · extended pitch variation on babe death sound

    · fixed bug with the expander playing a Duke quote due to overlapping sounds

  "  BeachBabe.con, BeachBather.con, BeachBall.con, Seagull.con, Dragon.con:

    · formatted cleanly

    · eliminated warnings

    · the Dragon now flies in a less predictable direction when killed

    · the beach ball makes scraps of different colors, not just white.

    · bugs fixed:

      · the Dragon would shrink when expanded

      · the babes would still be talking when killed

      · any traces of "state jib_sounds" or "addkills 1" have been removed from the babes

      · the Beach Bather can be expanded

      · the Seagull can be frozen, shrunken, or expanded

      · the Dragon would spawn blood with whatever color it was, rather than red

      · the Dragon would move when expanded

  [4.X.0] Vaca+ Subversion Repository

  "  The Vaca+ changelog following v2.0 is now contained in the logs of its SVN repo.

[5.0.0] Individual Tile Credits:

  [5.1.0] Textures, Signs, Decals

  "  noctrun


  "  DeeperThought


  "  Captain Awesome

    889-892, 2500 (text edit), 3757, 3761 (previously), 3763-3764 (previously), 3768 (previously), 3793-3794

  "  Flacken.WS

    alt-pals: 60, 2471, 2563

  "  Hendricks266

    1055-1056, 2492, 2502-2503, 2595_1, 2595_3, 3639, 3644, 3761, 3763-3764, 3768, 3779-3781, 3790

    renders: 26, 29, 37-39, 42, 44, 45, 47, 2390, 3700

    normal/specular maps: 3643, 3687, 3769, 3770

  "  chicken

    13, 60, 952, 2329-2332, 2460, 2461, 2463, 2469, 2471, 2500, 2568, 2929-3022 (v1.5 sourced font), 3240/3245, 3281, 3639, 3646-3648, 3706, 3733-3735, 3762, 3668, 3669, 3685, 3686, 3687, 3689, 3690, 3691, 3693, 3694, 3696, 3697, 3698-3699, 3707, 3769-3770, 3778, 3785-3786, 3787, 3788-3789

  "  SwissCM

    2929-3022 (current v1.3D sourced font)

  "  empy

    42, 44, 47, 955, 956, 3758_d

  "  Parkar

    source release: 2492

  [5.2.0] Models

  "  Hendricks266

    45 (skin, recolored green -> brown), 1337-1338 (edit)

  "  Tea Monster

    680-684 (skin, took original, removed  Eddy Wood , and recolored alt-pals) originally; since removed

  "  chicken

    26, 27, 29, 37-39, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 59, 60, 61, 1641-1643, 2510-2511, 2566, 2605-2611, 3585-3625, 3646-3648, 3660-3667, 3670-3684, 3695, 3700

  "  Spiker


  [5.3.0] Skyboxes

  "  89-93, 94_1 sky_sea*.png by Foe

       This skybox created by Foe, in Terragen. Please give me credit

       in your file readme if you use it. Thank you and enjoy! :D 

  "  94 dawn_dusk*.png by Hendricks266

       I just took sky_sea and colored the sky yellow. =P

       The tile is the same as default Duke, but I made this to look more Caribbean. 

  "  95 _spooky*.png by Jayson  TheBeast  Dehn (

       Chill man, you're expecting me to say don't copy this skybox or I'll sue you, but

       I don't really care as long as you ask me before editing it. You can do anything! 

  [5.4.0] Music & Sounds

  "  Mark McWane

     Doomsday's Comin' 

  "  MusicallyInspired

    all other music

  "  Hendricks266

    WIND54 (assembly)

  [5.5.0] Voxels

  None have been submitted yet!

  [5.6.0] Cutscenes

  "  chicken



    Note: The cutscenes are just slides.

          These have been done.

          However, there is no way to put them in-game.

          As a result, they have not been converted to whatever format is required.

          They are in the  vacation/extra/cutscene_highres  directory.

  "  Captain Awesome

    RADLOGO.ANM (text edit)

  [5.7.0] 8-Bit Art

  "  Hendricks266

    recolors: 32, 2554-2555, 2929-3022

  "  Captain Awesome

    improvements: 2500, 2524-2526, 2528-2529, 2544, 2548, 2550, 2554-2555, 2556-2557, 2568-2569, 2573-2574, 2613, 2616-2619

  "  SwissCM


  "  James/Jblade


  [5.7.0] Maps / Map Patching

  "  Hendricks266

    all map patches

  [5.8.0] Resources from Duke3D HRP

  "  Everything in copies.def

  "  A lot of art has been copied from the standard HRP and modified to fit the needs of the Caribbean art.

  Duke 3D     Addon

  322            3768

  791            3761

  889-892     889-892

  1097          3758

  1098          3757

  1130          3763

  1131          3764

  1135          3760

  [5.9.0] Other Resources

  "  Tile #96 taken from DukeDC HRP.

  "  3D Realms screen background from somewhere (see 3DR thread).

  "  Some source textures in this tutorial are copyrighted by

    Permission to use and distribute these specific textures has been granted to the author of this texture pack.

    Textures downloaded from are copyrighted and may NOT be redistributed or sold.

    For more information and the full license please visit

[6.0.0]  How can I help? 

First, check the to-do list to see what is done and what needs to be done.  

For the most accurate version, check the website.

Second, check the vacation/extra folder to see if there is a WIP.

Third, make sure that if you take art from somewhere, check its license first!  

You should also cite any sources you used, especially another HRP tile.

Fourth, do not use any of the original 8-bit art in your final products.  

You may use the art as placeholders, but do not leave it in the final product.  

The exception to this rule is when a complex object (such as an enemy) has not been 

re-done.  It can be added to the interim release version.  However, once a replacement 

has become available, then you must use it instead of the original.

Fifth, make sure textures are exactly 4 times the original size of the tile.  In most cases, 

you should end up with a power of 2 texture (256x256, 512x512, 1024x512, et cetera).  However, 

if the original art has a weird resolution, then you should use the original ×4.  Model skins 

should be power of 2 as well.  It might work better for you if you created the tile in ×8 


Sixth, post the artwork at the thread.  If you do not have an account, 

e-mail the artwork to me (Hendricks266).  Tell me what you would like to be credited as.

Last, remember to back up your source .psd/.xcf files, and your source models.  It will 

make the above rules much easier. =D

[7.0.0] Credits:

"  Hendricks266

  (Manager of this pack) ............................. See below for contact information.

[8.0.0] Links:

"  Hendricks266's Site (NW+, Vaca+, and more!)

"  Duke Nukem 3D High-Resolution Pack

"  EDuke32

[9.0.0] Contact Info:

If you need to contact me (Hendricks266):

First, look here:

AIM: TheHendricks266

MSN: Hendricks266 at hotmail dot com

email: Hendricks266 at gmail dot com

Change the  at  and  dot  to their respective characters (@ and .), and get rid of the spaces.


Generated by GNU Enscript