// Maphacks by LeoD for use with the Duke Nukem 3D High Resolution Pack (HRP) // Title : HydroStation // Author : Alejandro Glavic // Filename : hydrost.map // mapmd4 : cc643108ba48b9414a5552b8ba3544cf // 2002-01-20 // <-> HYDROST-glavic-amctc.mhk // Curr. HRP: r5.4.726 // 0-830 / / 945-1458 / / 1590-2570 sprite 945 angoff -512 // tile0028 shotgunsprite sprite 998 away1 // tile0498 (edf sign) sprite 1709 pitch -1 // tile1048 (pipes) sprite 1709 mdzoff 50000 // tile1048 (pipes) sprite 686 pitch -1 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 686 mdzoff 40000 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 687 pitch -1 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 687 mdzoff 40000 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 689 pitch -1 // tile1048 (pipes) sprite 689 mdzoff 100000 // tile1048 (pipes) sprite 685 pitch -1 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 685 roll 2 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 685 mdzoff 30000 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 683 pitch -1 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 683 roll 2 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 683 mdzoff 30000 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 688 pitch -1 // tile1048 (pipes) sprite 688 mdzoff 100000 // tile1048 (pipes) sprite 684 pitch -1 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 684 roll 2 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 684 mdzoff 30000 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 682 pitch -1 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 682 roll 2 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 682 mdzoff 30000 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 31 angoff 640 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 1178 away1 // tile0945 (high voltage sign) sprite 2564 angoff 512 // tile0052 sixpack sprite 26 angoff 512 // tile0022 chaingunsprite sprite 1124 away1 // tile0612 (restricted area sign) sprite 2535 angoff -256 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 1175 away1 // tile0945 (high voltage sign) sprite 1116 pitch -1 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 1116 mdzoff 60000 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 1114 pitch -1 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 1114 mdzoff 60000 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 1051 roll -1 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 1051 mdzoff 60000 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 1115 pitch -1 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 1115 mdzoff 60000 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 1113 pitch 1 // tile0977 genericpole sprite 1113 mdzoff 60000 // tile0977 genericpole sprite 1302 away1 // tile0945 (high voltage sign) sprite 1117 pitch -2 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 1117 mdzoff 30000 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 1119 pitch -2 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 1119 mdzoff 30000 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 1118 pitch -2 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 1118 mdzoff 30000 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 1451 pitch 1 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 1451 mdzoff 60000 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 1452 pitch -1 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 1452 mdzoff 60000 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 27 angoff -896 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 2517 notmd // tile1048 (pipes) sprite 1129 away1 // tile0498 (edf sign) sprite 62 notmd // tile1048 (pipes) sprite 2542 angoff -256 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 1442 pitch 1024 // tile0407 fansprite sprite 1442 mdzoff -4096 // tile0407 fansprite sprite 1443 pitch 1024 // tile0407 fansprite sprite 1443 mdzoff -4096 // tile0407 fansprite sprite 1453 pitch -1 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 1453 mdzoff 80000 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 1455 pitch -1 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 1455 mdzoff 80000 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 1457 roll -1 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 1457 mdzoff 80000 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 1456 pitch -2 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 1456 mdzoff 40000 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 1458 pitch 1 // tile0977 genericpole sprite 1458 mdzoff 80000 // tile0977 genericpole sprite 1454 pitch -1 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 1454 mdzoff 40000 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 123 pitch 1 // tile1038 (pipe) sprite 123 mdzoff 500000 // tile1038 (pipe) sprite 122 pitch 1 // tile1038 (pipe) sprite 122 mdzoff 500000 // tile1038 (pipe) sprite 2566 angoff -512 // tile0052 sixpack sprite 1437 away1 // tile0502 viewscreen sprite 22 angoff -256 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 18 angoff -768 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 784 away1 // tile0498 (edf sign) sprite 1710 away1 // tile0945 (high voltage sign) sprite 1713 away1 // tile0701 walllight3 sprite 1712 away1 // tile0701 walllight3 sprite 2559 angoff -768 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 2567 angoff 512 // tile0052 sixpack sprite 500 pitch -1 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 500 mdzoff 100000 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 501 pitch -1 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 501 mdzoff 100000 // tile0544 (iron bar) sprite 2560 angoff 768 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 516 pitch 1024 // tile0407 fansprite sprite 516 mdzoff -8192 // tile0407 fansprite sprite 486 away1 // tile0667 (hydroponics sub station sign) sprite 2568 angoff -256 // tile0052 sixpack sprite 2561 angoff 1024 // tile0041 batteryammo sprite 432 away1 // tile4936 (pressure maintenance sign) sprite 2569 angoff -256 // tile0052 sixpack sprite 2563 angoff 1024 // tile0041 batteryammo sprite 2562 angoff 256 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 0 angoff 768 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 134 away1 // tile0498 (edf sign) sprite 1485 away1 // tile0498 (edf sign) sprite 1590 angoff 256 // tile0994 pipe5 sprite 1591 angoff 256 // tile0994 pipe5 sprite 569 angoff 256 // tile0994 pipe5 sprite 567 angoff 256 // tile0994 pipe5 sprite 568 angoff 256 // tile0994 pipe5 sprite 566 angoff 256 // tile0994 pipe5 sprite 2565 angoff -768 // tile0052 sixpack sprite 10 angoff 640 // tile0049 shotgunammo sprite 828 notmd // tile0909 (treetrunk) sprite 827 notmd // tile0909 (treetrunk) sprite 2570 angoff -512 // tile0052 sixpack